Buff melee classes, nerf ranged classes

I mean when there is only one top tier melee ( unholy) surrounded by easy to play ranged classes (bm hunter) It’s kind of demoralizing when you put in double the effort into your melee class only for it to be out DPS by pet auto attacks.

I mean cmon this is ridiculous. Only 1 bottom tier ranged and only 1 top melee…


Literally the first thing he says is this is a pointless exercise for fun, because pre-patch, no balance to speak of yet, azerite traits that aren’t meant to work with shadowland’s classes. But hey, the dude it’s actually interesting to hear, so thanks for bringing him to my attention I guess :woman_shrugging:


While in M+ and PVP melee’s dominate.
So you mashing 123 without casting must be top tier everywhere?

Quite dont think so :slight_smile:


There is not a single dps spec that requires more effort to play. People acting like one spec is hard and other specs are easy are just delusional. All dps specs are easy.


U do realize we are lvl 50 and this isn’t final ?

Imagine linking a video that goes against the point of your post within the first 10 seconds.

It’s pre-patch. It’s not supposed to be balanced. Nobody should care about balance right now.

Also 75th percentile, lol.


its prepatch

lvl 60 is different

its just a clickbait video nothing more

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have you even touched pvp? what melee dominated pvp? s tier dlocks and fire mages say hello

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Have you ever played this game apart season 4?

How about rogs+ww’s+dhs+dks that are on the first 3v3 ladders list?

You mash 3 instant buttons, dude. Chill down abit.



i kind of enjoy having to work my butt off to beat a range dps in dps on bosses while leveling on my fury warrior.

it is possible to beat them i have done it a few times now … you just got to make no mistakes lol.

dont boter he warrior you know he hes anger issus

Our classes got reworked for sl systems at level 60 but we are still level 50 with op azerite traits and essences, ofc balance is gonna be whack lol

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It’s prepatch numbers, balancing is only really important for cap, which will be SL 60, not current 50.

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Like in every prepatch, there are classes which better than others. They are not max lvl yet. They balanced around 60 with legendaries, soulbinds ect. Also classes will have new baseline skills aswell.

Videos like these, nothing but clickbaits, and are causing many misunderstandings.

Whats demoralizing the is the low effort / quality threads here.

  1. You don’t put in more effort than ranged;
  2. It’s prepatch, you’d have to be an idiot to think it matters atm.

i wonder where do you check that? in your delusional mind?
check arenamates dude and enlighten us what’s top 5 pvp dps spec. Its kinda cringe btw when monk mentions buttons having twice less comparing to unholy dk.

the era of melees is over. nerf all melees by another 50%. thats the price u pay for MOVING while DPSing (also nerf hunters 30-40% )

Why do you say that? 75th is above average players but not using cheese to get the numbers, it is what you want to look at if you are trying to compare classes like that.
And what number do you think people should look at?

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In the ladders first page.
Its official and you can even see it yourself.
I guess you forgot the era your deathstrike healed more from your healer before they nerf it right? But you do remember last season lock domination.

Did you see this UH dk making 1m dps inside TD just by slamming his head on the keyboard?

Dude, youre literally playing the easiest class after DH/Huntard.
Made a cutting edge as UH/Frost the first 6 months i started playing wow… What are you talking about?

Just play a ranged if its that easy, but why dont you actually do it?
Let me guess…

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