Buff Might of Menethil

Might of Menethil is a borderline legendary weapon in the lore, It drops of the last boss in Naxx and is perfectly position to be great for 2H Warrior play.

But as the weapon is on the PTR, it is miles before Blade of Inquisition for all classes that can use them. Warriors, Paladins and even Melee hunters all do vastly more DPS with BoI and for warrior DEoI is performing better than MoM.

As it stands this weapon is either vendor trash or instant Disenchant. For a weapon from the last boss with such a standing in the lore this just sucks.

Buff MoM and make it a viable weapon option!

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Dont forget to add it to the reals vendor too! Slaesh loves that!

I don’t see how you come to that conclusion?

Asking for the strongest weapon from the last boss of a raid to be stronger than a weapon from a previous raid isn’t a big ask.

I agree!

The other reply by Mombless is referring to a comment I made on another post about improving drop rates in AQ after my raid team saw almost no weapons drop (1 AQR, 1 KR) when we had 4 warriors and 2 paladins, 2 rogues etc. Felt pretty bad!

In a reply to another person agreeing with my sentiment, I offhandedly suggested the idea of a “Raid Real” concept where everyone could buy 1 item from a raid after 6/7 weeks so they could enjoy 1 or 2 last reset with it.

But that idea was specific to the poor itemization of AQ. Buffing MoM helps to mitigate the needs for annoying catch up mechanics like that by giving more people options. BoI will still be great for everyone, making MoM also viable just adds more options and therefore more chance of everyone getting a better weapon.

Similar to how BWL has great 2H itemization with Ashkandi being BiS for 2H Warriors, but there was also the Untamed Blade which was BiS for some Paladin builds and the Drake Talon Cleaver that was a good mid range upgrade for all 2H users. I didn’t get Ashkandi until near the end of the phase, but it felt better having the DTC which i got a bit earlier as it was still a good upgrade over MC weapons!

From another thread :stuck_out_tongue: It was more as a joke but yeah, if you dont know, you dont know right?

No, you wanted to be able to buy gear with the things that drops from the bosses if I recall it right.

Keep threads about entirely different topics separate. This is legitimate feedback about poor itemization and a weapon from KT that is current worse than AQ weapons, there is no argument that this is good.

But again, it was an idea in passing in response to someone else. And the idea was a real like token that you got from bosses, that if you raided enough you could get 1 item by the 6/7 week mark of an 8 week phase so you could try 1 item. That was it, 1 idea, in context of the active phase (AQ40) about getting 1 item.

For everyone else’s context now that this thread is somehow about something entirely unrelated

" We have 8 week long phases, I don’t think people would be angry if we let them buy 1 rare item with some raid version of reals on week 6 or just increase the drop rates from day 1. They added the extra loot roll to C’Thun after many complaints about not getting weapons or chest tokens, no one would have complained if they had launched with that."

This is a direct copy and paste of what this person is angry about and now commenting on anything else I post. That was it.

Well, I dident and I just found it funny it was just another item topic from you (:

Yeah becuase RNG in a game like RNG is everywhere isent okey apperantly.

Yeah I am focused in on you like you said, I was making an sarcastic joke but I offended you yet again, I am so sorry to hurt your feelings.

By this logic, shouldnt that mean that ALL items from KT in naxx should be bis for everyone? (those who can use it ofc)

Im not debating whether MoM is bad or not, or how it should be changed. I just dont agree with that, since it drops from last boss it should be bis.

Ele shamans bis weapon in naxx phase is from aq10 btw. I dont really mind though, just gives me less loot to fight over:P

Yeah, it’s not about being specifically BiS. It’s mainly that currently the entire phase only has 1 viable 2H weapon which is not just better than AQ weapons, it is miles ahead. For context 2H Warrior is only viable with Blade of Inquisition right now. So is 2H Warrior and any 2H Paladin build.

And to add to it, MoM drops of KT and is useless for everyone, DEoI is a all round better weapon and it is barely enough Ashkandi or the Shovel from KC. This means you can clear Naxx and your reward could be a 20g or a nexus crystal.

MoM as a very slow high damage weapon just stands in a great position to be BiS for 2H Fury, which would help reduce pressure on BoI which is heavily contested on the Alliance with Paladins. But generally even if it was just a viable option over DEoI or Ol’Reliable would at least mean it is not vendor trash loot from KT.

The other point though is it is not just “Off the last boss”, it is Might on Menethil, Arthas’s weapon after it was corrupted. It is legendary in everyway except in the color of it’s name. Regardless of the boss it drops off, it would be damn powerful!

Im not quite sure if i understand this. If a weapon in this phase is miles ahead than AQ weapons, why is that a bad thing?

I guess i can find other bosses (or other items from KT) that also are useless.
I get that you want MoM to be great and all, i just cant see why its such a big deal i guess, that its not bis.

What? Does this mean that entire naxx has NOTHING else to offer you?

Afaik, MoM is second bis to enhance shamans. So its not a completely useless item.

Yes, but paladins also have multiple other good choices. Its not a birth-right to be decked out in COMPLETE bis though.

If you are in a guild though, this should be highlighted. Warriors has less options therefore they should have prio on certain things. And if you pug, well then it sucks to be you i guess (another good reason to join guilds instead of pugs:) )

Look, im not trying to be mean or unsympathetic in any way. I just feel like this is a bad thing to focus on. Out of all the things that could get looked at, i dont think 1 item from KT should have prio.

There are other ways to improve warrior dps, than to buff 1 item.

Thats fair. I dont really know much lore, but i reckon the ashbringer would be more fun to see.

I’m not sure I understand here. Firstly my post never said it should be BiS. Just to reiterate incase I didn’t make it clear, MoM is garbage, no one wants it. Blade of Inquisition is the weapon vastly above anything else. As it stands, they may as well replace MoM with a Nexus Crystal and save us the time it takes to disenchant it.

My main point is good itemization allows for multiple options, even if not all are BiS. BLW has Untamed Blade, Drake Fang Cleaver and Ashkandi, all upgrade over MC 2H weapons but not all equal. Ashkandi was BiS, DFC was a mid way upgrade, and Untamed was good (while being BiS for some paladin builds).

This progression is just good design and increases the chance that people get upgrades. You might not get Ashkandi, but if you got DFC it was still much better than what you had before.

If, for some reason, every is so against MoM being BiS was 2H Warriors, fine, but make it like DFC then, put it in the middle of DEoI and BoI, then at least someone might use it!

This isn’t an plea for specific weapons to be BiS. It’s just feedback that improving a weapon that is legendary in the lore to be better than AQ weapons would actually be good for everyone. Less competition on certain items, less wasted loot (who wants to kill KT and vendor everything?) and overall better itemization.

If MoM wasn’t in the raid, I would be asking for at least 1 additional alternative 2H’d weapon to be added tot he raid. But as MoM already exists with in the raid and is active on the PTR and considering it’s standing in the lore as Artha’s (The Lich Kings) weapon, it seems like the best pick?

BoI has replaced Corrupted Ashbringer for SoD, the current guess based on an NPC on the PTR who claims to have found it in Naxx and is looking for a “worthy owner”, is that Blizz have saved it for the Scarlett Crusade raid.

Ah, then i probably misunderstood.

Its second bis to 2h enhance and second bis to 2h paladins. According to the list i found anyway. I dont play neither of them, so cant tell from personal xp.

But even without MoM, you can still get Severance and Corrupted ashbringer, no? I might be confusing some of the loot from wotlk naxx though.

But now i understand your point better.
Yes, better itemization does help the game.

Didnt know, you can ignore my corrupted ashbringer comments then.