Just buff it, stop letting it be the worst healer every god d*mn season.

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If you are refering to casted Mistweaver then sure.

If however you want a Fistweaver buff I would have to disagree… Cant stand Fistweavers lol.


Chill it wasn’t even the worst healer last season

That bad? Havent tried it myself yet. They usually good in RBG’s so for Blitz you must have one anyway! :sunglasses:

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MW ofc, not FW, fw is the dog spec

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You mean dawg?

Mistweaver isn’t the worst healer lol.

What is then?

Caster MW should have decent (maybe even good depending on number tuning) options for ranged damage in anniversary patch

The problem for me is that Fistweaver is much stronger.
People pick whatever is stronger which is normal these days.
Nobody wants to be outperformed when they can pick better option.

It’s encouraging the most boring playstyle, just learn to be proactive. Zug zug.

Fistweaver is the ape spec, i aint playing it

No, fw is just much more fun to play. Caster mw is healbot from max range with almost 0 influence for a game (tried both).

Fistweaver Can die. Make castweaver great again!

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