Hey I think we should buff the gear I want.
- Ateish, I got main prio in my guild so would be nice buffing that, its seems not to be as legendary as I would like. All the bosses should have an gurantee to drop atleast 5-20 shards so RNG dont screw me over.
- Shadow priest tier set needs to be buffed with atleast 50% aswell, and all items should have 5% crit at minimum.
…Atiesh is the best weapon in the game, it doesn’t need to be buffed.
Another ‘joke’ thread in response to the MoM one? Huge difference; MoM is supposed to be the best 2h, but it isn’t
Yes imo a lot of the epic weapons in naxx need a buff.
so 4th worst class to give it to and they let you have it. i know this life lol.
Classic is more horizontal progression. New gear shouldnt completely invalidate all old gear. If you want vertical progression (new tier = always better), go to retail or cata classic.
That isn’t because of horizontal progression at all, that’s because Classic had poor itemisation.