Buff necrotic wounds

Buff necrotic wounds back to 30% i understand unholy doing unhealable damage is bad game design but i dont see why damage is all that matters in this game anymore give unholy some anti healing ability that will open comps up for it to play instead of been stuck playing blood/bm.


They won’t buff anything related to DK. Instead they will buff current OP classes like they did with mage or ferals.

The story it’s always the same, DK’s start in good shape and then the nerf hammer starts until the class is unplayable.


Thats because of festermight it needs to be changed in pvp to be the full value with only needing 10 stacks for the 40% strength buff the only other way to get 20 stacks is if people stack for cleave you cant balance a spec that has a design like this.

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every one hit 1m and above ur proc coil hit 500k.


Not only that buff half the classes can remove every dot with a button not to mention the fing pets are so easy to cc and kill off

no offense to dks but blood dk is actually pumping rn

Well maybe if you learnt what abilities each spec had you would know im talking about unholy as necrotic wounds is unholy only i even mentioned in the post about been forced to play blood/bm thanks for the useless input.

Guess we should leave resto druid useless while we are at it because feral is doing fine one is a tank one is a dps only freaks are playing blood dk right now.

bro why are you being so hostile relax my guy

i played all 3 dks specs before stop treating me like im new to the game, all i said that blood dk is preforming great with certain comps and it does good damage, i hope unholy ends up getting some love too

resto needs buffs i agree , feral is not as scary after the nerf , feral was only problematic during incarnation and it got toned down and even me as feral main it was faceroll broken but right now i think feral just needs nerf on bite by 10% and rake by 5% and its balanced since it is a glasscannon spec

well i guess i am a freak cause i love the playstyle

Because of how you worded it was pointless input when the post is about unholy even bringing up frost dk in a post aimed at unholy would be pointless.

Maybe in shuffle but in 3v3 and tournaments everything is built around feral/outlaw both need further nerfs and it should probably be aimed at the stuns not damage both are able to stun multiple enemys with some been 5 second duration when every other class has had its stuns nerfed to 3 second duration on a 45 sec cd or in dks case completely removed if you want to pick silence.

If you enjoy it good for you but it has no place in pvp the dk becomes immortal and hitting 3million back to back is not good for the game the community should not stand for a tank spec been the best pvp spec for a class either.

as i mentioned above what needs nerfs on feral

if you wanna nerf cc buff ferals survivability cause cc is all feral has to counter squishiness

with outlaw im clueless so i cant talk about rogue but i trust you

and like i said i rather see dks around in arena than frost mages and shadow priests and dk was the only class that could counter them but ever since the nerfs those two dominate arena.

and again

agreed , i hope they buff unholy and frost dk , i prefer frost myself but each to their own

well my bad since english is not my 1st language im from the balkans and i suck sometimes wording stuff so my bad

but i agree dks need love both frost and unholy , but i think blood dk should be viable with toolkit and not damage , i think every spec should be viable but not game breaking

before the uhdk nerfs there were more casters then melees represented in shuffle at ratings above 2k
unholy “countered” ≤1.8 wizards thats about it.

unholy needs the riders to follow pet commands and some st tuning.
give dh some love too. they are in the same spot as dk.


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