Buff the warriors

Blizzard what is wrong with you ??? Why did u destroy the game for the warriors !!! ARMS warriors are basiclly ghosts like absolute ZEROO!! They suck in PVP litterly the worst dps in the raids and raids . ofc noone will take them anywhere . Ok furies . let me tell you a story . I am a 2k rio fury warrior . i spend 5/6 in the game just looking for a M+ key above 15 and they only ppl that are taking me are clueless af and most of the time we fail and im forced to play with them coz the ppl that can actually play know better not to pick warrs as dps . like WTF do i quit the game coz i only enjoy playing dps warrior ? i dont enjoy tanking at all . what about raids ?? what do we actually do there !!! we fill a spot basiscly im luck enough to have irl friends that we raid together and there are 2 furies and we have take turns every raid coz ofc warrs dont bring anything to the raid but bellow the middle dps . i want someome from the staff to argue all what i said and say one thing that i was wrong . why would for example rogues are made so mucuh stronger the warrs . 2 of their spec are one of the top mele dps . they have bettter deffences they are most watned dps class in M+ . like i dont get it why would the developers be litterely so absolute stupid . ofc they cant make every class exaclly equal but that much of a diffrence … come on !!! i want you to watch a video of a famous streamer and i want u to hear EVERY WORD HE SAID its 100% correct and this is why i quit wow till u do sth about it but ofc no from the staff read this forum bullshi…t


why you dont post with your warrior then :wink:

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w8 for classic spit on bfa

Thank you for posting this, should have posted as your warrior but still. The more attention we can draw to this, the better.

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