[BUG] Cannot get Spark of Fortunes

WoW - TWW - S2
Issue: Not getting Spark/Shard of Fortunes after completing all the conditions.
Character: Zakoui
Realm: Twisted Nether
Tried to contact other way - via ticket, but they said that I need to talk to appropriate support team.
I trying to find any help I can get.
Could you check logs on my in-game Character to figure out if I am bugged or smth broke or ?
Would be appreciated for any help to resolve the issue

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" after completing all the conditions."

What r these conditions. Could you be more specific?

Reached level 80 - Done Campaign. Talked to Khaz Algar Emissary and took quests - done them - got pinnacle chests - opened them - Got gold + some mats and items - but no Fractured Spark of Fortune.
All guides says: You do world quest of your choice - you get Spark or Shard. Talk to https://www.wowhead.com/npc=223533/custodian-khubon#ends
Get your stuff. Have nothing out of my activities.
I have done around 48dungeons M+ - 6-9 (reached 650ilvl) - Still no spark to craft Items.
What I have done wrong ?

My all sparks were given by quest named: Archives seeking history (collect 100 titan disc fragments). Main char and alts too.

No one will believe me. No one.
Do not tell anyone. Let it be our secret.
There bags - Normal and Reagent one - Have Reagent on - All sparks went into it and bag was hidden (Bagon addon) be default - cuz I am classic player and reagent for me Smth like Herbs/Ores/Eng/Jew stuff…
I cant believe - as excuse - playing retail for like week. A lot changed since shadowlands (played there not as much as I do here)