Bug - Can't create group in finder for Murozond's Rise without authenticator

I got same issue . only difference now is that it`s present to all my character :sweat_smile:

So Murozond’s Rise working now but today I receive key Galakrond’s Fall fall and again cant que becouse it’s still bugged. It’s almost month and still no repair. So now I’m paying for game that I can’t play properly to next reset.

Fix on mythic + Locked Keys is to change it`s dungeon type frome NPC at the end of Dungeon.
PS: Key needs to be same lvl or lower then M+ dungeon.

Same issue here.
Galakronds Fall - “One or more dungeons was not valid” when trying to list the key.

Are you serious? I get this key from the start of the patch every week, it’s some kind of mockery! I tried not to open the vault, went to the m+ dungeon and in the end the same key fell out again :man_facepalming:

Still no fix :confused: Can’t make group, can’t get rating becouse of that and that makes things more dificult to find group to other dungeons.