Seems like a major oversight by blizzard. Surely this should be fixed? (and rather easily)
Or is there some inconceivable reason for it?
Seems like a major oversight by blizzard. Surely this should be fixed? (and rather easily)
Or is there some inconceivable reason for it?
I wasn’t aware that there were any artifact wands.
There isn’t but you can trans mog wands into other weapons which is odd because you can’t transmog staffs into anything but staffs.
To OP: I’m able to transmog my wand into the artifact staff but it makes the offhand hidden of course. So not sure why you can’t do it.
I cant transmog my wand into artifact staff, so that is very weird :o
Would love to know if this has something to do with class or something else.
You can mog any other weapon into any of the artifact skins for your current spec, so why wouldnt it work with wands?
I’ve just tried it and found it no longer works for me either. The artifacts category shows as an option but it’s now just empty.
That probably explains why my wand reverted back to its original appearance some time ago. I never looked at the time and just left it unmogged.
Yea something is very weird. After your reply I asked my gf if she could mog wands as lock - which she could. And now I just tested on my own mage and lock, and Im getting the same blank page under artifact appearances.
After reading up a bit it seems like its because wands are ranged, whereas artifact weapons for mage/lock/priest are “melee”. So because staves etc dont have animations for shoot/wanding, it seems we cant mog it.
Still weird that it works for some people, sometimes, on some classes
Update 2:
Artifact appearances ignore general restrictions
Since Shadowlands, Legion artifact appearances ignore general transmogrification restrictions. For example, if you are a caster, you can apply the appearance of an artifact staff onto a wand. Sounds crazy? Don’t worry, you won’t be able to shoot a wand if you transmogrify it to a staff, the animation would be ridiculous!
Well, then maybe about time to fix it
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