since the new phase released, the custom section in the looking for group tool doesnt work crossrealm anymore, which means you can only see the groups made on your own server.
This is especially bad for the (few remaining) PvP players, because we used that tool to find arena mates and rated battleground groups. Cataclysm Classic PvP already has the lowest amount of participants since the release of classic (or WoW in general) ever, please dont let it completely die like that.
blizzard fix please asap
Id just like to know if blizzard is aware of this bug.
Unfortunately CS don’t deal with bugs nor do they pass them on. We report bugs to the Devs in game.
- Go to the Game Menu (Esc key by default)
- Select Support
- Select Submit feedback or bug report
- Select the Submit a bug tab and enter your report
Fair enough, thank you. I was just surprised to see almost every single retail related thread in this customer support section with a blue response, while cata classic threads get 0 attention, but it is what it is I guess.
At best they can tell you it’s a known bug, or it’s an unknow bug and you need to report, but they don’t pass on bug reports.
bump. How is this stll not made crossrealm again
I cry myself to sleep every night
Hi everyone,
Sorry for the long wait for a reply, but we’ve had confirmation now that this is an intentional restriction rather than a bug.
I understand that’s not the answer many were hoping for, and as always please don’t hesitate to share your feedback and suggestions in the relevant parts of the forums, or through the game client directly.
In the meantime, I hope you’ll get a chance to get to know some of the regulars of your respective realms!
Are you trying to kill the game? I really want my subscription refunded as I really can’t play the game with this change.
what do you expect as feedback and suggestions ? it is obvious that this decision kills pvp and we want xrealm lfg back
Out of touch wasnt meme after all
[Post Deleted]
So the only effort that was made was to reduce the number of options.
To make matters worse…
There are a number of pve things that should be fixed.
I’m used to a low prio for pvp.
But to harrass pvp by prioritizing unwanted changes over necessary pve changes is not only unexpected, but a whole new level…
Suggestion: Rollback please or merge all servers together.
(post deleted by author)
You are not going to get either of those things that is pretty obvious by now. Shame as Cata is one of the most fun expansions for PVP and has super unnecessary hate. Cant wait for the mop s storm if we cant get cata right that’s dead on arrival.
You guys can not possibly be serious, right? Are you trying to pretend a feature we had for over 2 years (since classic’s ulduar patch) is unintentional?
This gotta be a joke lol. Wtf did I just read?