[BUG] Crash the guild bank for your character, character is stuck online afterwards

Hey Blizzard,

I can’t post in the us bug report forum so I’ll post it here and hope it will be seen by the devs.

I just stumbled upon a nasty bug regarding the guild bank.

When you drag and drop a non reagent item from your guild bank into your reagent bag, the character “crashes”.
You cannot interact with anything anymore, not even the logout/exit button works. You get disconnected after a while, but you will have to kill the wow client as logging in with another character will have the same issue of not being able to logout/exit. During the crash, the corresponding character stays permanently online and in the first minutes you cannot login with this character anymore. You can get around this with the auto unstuck feature triggered from another character.
Now the guildbank problem: once you restarted the wow client and login with the character that triggered the bug, you cannot withdraw/deposit items from the guildbank anymore, you can’t even move items inside the guildbank. This wont fix itself after some time, I waited over a day with one character that triggered the bug.

Some infos:

  • I have tested this with all addons disabled.
  • It’s not a guildbank permission issue.
  • Leaving and rejoining the guild will not fix it, the guildbank will still not work for this character.
  • Leaving the guild and joining another guild will allow the character to use the guildbank of the new guild. Then leaving the new guild and rejoining the old one will also not fix it, the character can’t interact (withdraw/deposit/move items) with the “old” guildbank.

It is reproducible, I now have 3 characters with this problem (Arixie-DieNachtwache, Kytoma-DieNachtwache and Arom-Blackrock).


Edit1: Something new, there are four broken items in the guild bank that can not be withdrawn or moved for all characters with guild bank access, something is really broken.


I can confirm this. My bank alt is still completely broken and cannot access the guild bank even after I restarted Battlenet.

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