(Bug) Demonic Healthstone despawns upon zone loading

The demonic healthstone will despawn from your bag whenever you load into a new area.


In addition to this bug, normal healthstones are bugged too (without Demonic Talent).

When you use one of it’s charges, the stone bugs and can not be re-used until you log out. Even destroying the stone and creating a new one does not fix it. Deleting the stone or moving it in your inventory bugs the bag.


it just says stone will recharge out of combat and it seems youre combat tagged, but not entirely, its just the stone that register the tag. and withthe demonic talent it also stoppes working if you stay in the same zone for some time.
im not sure if im late to this and if its been fixed, but theres alot of bugs this patch


Yeah, I’m having the same issue about the Healthstone recharge. Bumping it for devs to see.


I too having the same problems with my Draconic Healthstone disappearing when ever I teleport or use the portal.


I’ve noticed the same bug. My demonic hearthstones keep vanishing after simply going to a different zone.

Also noticed that other people, who had taken healthstones from a soulwell, aren’t able to use their healthstones unless their character dies. Resetting fights etc., doesn’t reset the cooldown; the cooldown doesn’t even seem to start after they use a healthstone.