Something regarding on how holding left and right mouse buttons has changed.
Previously (patch 8.3) holding down left or right mouse button would instantly make your cursor disappear, instantly activating camera look (left mouse) or character movement (right mouse) mode. Ignoring targeting NPCs/Players if some happened to be under your cursor.
In pre patch (also SL beta) this mode is now only activating when holding down the corresponding mouse button and performing a (slight) mouse movement. If you only hold down the mouse button but down move the mouse the cursor says visible.
Imagine the following:
You want to slightly adjust the direction your character is facing, so you hold down right mouse drag a few pixels, then release the button.
You make use of a few mouseover macros. So you hold down a mouse button to “leave” mouseover mode.
The Problem:
If by any chance your cursor was on-top a NPC/player model you would additionally end up targeting that person. I.e. in raid encounters this would lead in you dropping your current target (i.e. the boss) and target some (melee) party member. As a healer you could end up targeting the wrong target by accident and not even realizing. Specially when you are focusing on moving out of some deadly raid mechanic.
For the second case, holding down a mouse button without moving your mouse would have have the mouseover conditional still firing if someone was under your cursor. I make use of mouseover macros to place DoTs using the boss frames. This bug would make me end up targeting the wrong boss/add or cast spells on the wrong targets.
Please fix this or give us an option to revert to the old behaviour. Thanks.
Just to be sure I tried disabling addons and resetting my in-game settings. (I renamed the foldes: Interface → Interface_old and WTF → WTF_old). No luck however
Apparently someone on the US servers also encountered this: