BUG: Homebound Speed: Vellum not Valid Target

I’m getting an error trying to enchant a vellum with Homebound Speed. AH prices of Q3 enchants of this type are in the thousands, so it does seem widespread. I was able to enchant my own cloak just fine and got inspiration on the first try (28% chance), so easy peasy and no need to buy the expensive enchants.

Until this is fixed, if you want Q3 Homebound Speed on your cloaks, I guess you have to do it the old fashioned way and talk to an enchanter (and possibly try multiple times, but it’s only <50g per try, so on average less than 100g to do this).

Edit: I tried a bunch of other enchants and they didn’t work either. Expect Q1 and Q2 enchant prices to go up soon as supplies dwindle.

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Found the blue post easy enough:

There’s also a report that Q3 does not proc in trade window, so might be best to hold off on trying to get Q3 that way.

I found a description of the exploit on MMO-Champion in the comments for the news post. I think I would have tried to hotfix this either by refusing to craft on vellums unless there’s an empty bag slot or by consuming a whole stack of vellums if the player ran out of bag space crafting the enchant. Or have the scroll mailed to you (not sure how hard that would be).

I hope they are able to find the players who were exploiting this bug and do something about it. Anyone with stock of Q3 enchants (or any level weapon enchant scrolls at all) is making a killing right now. The ones who were exploiting are probably most likely to have unsold stock.

Frankly, I was wondering how enchanting could be profitable in the AH even with maxed skills and this bug explains why it was (if you exploited it). Enchant prices are very high right now for obvious reasons, but I don’t think they will go down as low as they were before the hotfix (relative to material costs, at least). Material costs have been dropping fast, so in absolute terms enchants are still going to eventually cheaper than they were earlier this week.

Wondering why/if this doesn’t affect other crafted goods… Just enchants?

Vellums are working again.

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