Bug in Black Temple Timewalking quest

Hi there, I wanted to report a kind of bug about Timewalking Event of the week, Black Temple.
There is a quest named: Disturbance Detected: Black Temple in which I have to kill Illidan Stormrage and loot Timewarped Illidari Battleplans. I joined a group and we killed it, in the morning. Didn’t receive the loot. killed him again 1 hour ago, still no loot.
So I messaged a GM, and he/she answered really good, that I had to have the quest before killing Illidan. but the problem, or the bug, is that I got the quest AFTER killed him.
Now apparently I can’t complete the quest, because I passed the first kill of the week. and the event finishes tomorrow… god knows I have to wait how long to have this BT event again.

There is no bug just your mistake because you did not had q.

But how did I know that I have to start the quest before doing timewalking and getting it after killing Illidan? atleast there should be something, some notification before doing Black Temple that “hey player, before you kill Illidan there is this quest that you should have it before going in”.

If I was raid leader I would share q one more time before start. Ask ppl do all have q :grinning: I know it is bad, feels bad. Maybe would help if is there other raid mode like hc so you could finish q.

So mine advice is before any event etc search on wowhead , read… info yourself. So next time you dont you experience a similar experience.

Yeah you’re right. This was a lesson for me, I’ll try to learn everything before doing them

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