Bug: Kyrian Path of Ascension - Unable to get progress/achievements

Hello, I am not sure if this is an issue that everyone currently faces with the pre-patch, but as of now for me, the Shadowlands covenant feature for Kyrian, Path of Ascension fails to grant progress in both advancing the difficulties and the achievements.

The achievements titled “It’s How You Wear it”, “Master of the Path” and “Disciple of Humility” are unable to be completed for couple of reasons;

  1. Equipping Herald’s Footpads for any Humility trial as any soulbind doesn’t register at the end of the fight, thus failing to complete “It’s How You Wear It”.

  2. Defeating Kalisthene as Pelagos on Humility difficulty doesn’t register for “Disciple of Humility”.

  3. The Azaruux trial is unable to be unlocked on Humility difficulty for both “Master of the Path” and “Disciple of Humility”, more so, both Athanos and Azaruux appear to be broken when viewed on the choose your difficulty window.

Picture of the window.

I’ll quote a post from US forums for this purpose that lists the issue more succinctly than I can.

I am on the same stages of the feature as this person.


Hey! I seem to be having the same issue where I cannot unlock further difficulties, despite having all of the campaign done, all PoA related things maxed and upgraded appropriately, and I’ve defeated each boss on the unlocked difficulties with each of the three champions.

Incredibly tiring to sink so much time in to something to be prevented from progressing due to a bug from a prepatch that should be unrelated. I completed PoA Mon/Tues this week prior to reset on another character with no issues at all. Very frustrating :frowning:

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I have the same issue with the next difficulty not unlocking as it should after clearing the one before it (different progress stage but PoA fully upgraded and no quests accidentally dropped).

not exactly the same thing but Ember Court for Venthyr is also bugged. After the achievement “Be Our Guest” got reset with pre patch, no matter if i reinvite guests, the progress doesnt get added to the achievement.

Experiencing the exact same problem.

Same problem for me… I kill every boss in each difficulties, but I’m blocked for Athanos and Azaruux at loyalty rank. I have Path of Ascension rank 5 and Kyrian campaign all done.

Hope this will be fix soon…

I have the exact same problem as Madrone, hoped they got this fixed with the other SL Achivements but was dissapointed this morning :frowning:

similar problem here, i am unable to progress further difficulties in PoA as i have to "defeat more bosses to unlock this trial. Even though i have defeated every boss on every available difficulty multiple times, i am still locked…

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Same issue. Can’t progress.

Lots of people are having this issue.
Some people report that the trail isn’t registering wins, which is why you can’t progress.
Others (including myself) are (also) unable to do any fights with Mikankos even though we have him as a soulbind and have done the campaign and upgraded the trial, disabeled addons etc. etc.

Same issue here. Have all the requirements and done all the quest for the first 6 trials. Completing them all on courage does not unlock loyalty for the first 4. Seems like the kills aren’t registered.

I just got a response from a GM after waiting for several days. He suggests that I uninstall all my addons and delete my WTF folder. I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a joke or an insult.

So, I checked again this week and the next trial was unlocked for me (only the first 4) along with the quests to unlock more memories. So I guess it’s timegated (which is better than broken). Does anyone remember if that was the case before the pre-patch? I swear I read that people could just knock the whole thing out within a day during DF.

So it seems that there has been a fix implemented or something. I have checked wednesday at the weekly reset if the ‘time-gate’ might have been the issue, but i could’nt progress any further. I checked today and now I can progress all of a sudden.

EDIT: I posted as Azalieth lvl 10 human rogue before by accident.

Hello Aryalon, can you tell me what you did for it to finally work ? I saw that many of people were saying that the problem was fixed but I tried again and again to beat them all in Courage difficulty and I’m still unable to get the loyalty difficulty. Did you do something to make it work ?

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I just wanted to share that now I can suddenly do loyalty. I didn’t do anything except wait. Either there’s a hidden time gate that the game doesn’t tell you about (if so: good job with the game design Blizzard) or Blizzard quietly fixed the bug (if so: good job with the communication Blizzard).

Now I can’t wait to find the next game breaking bug that prevents me from progressing Shadowlands meta-achievement. I expect that both Rampage-achievement in Torghast and Hunt-events in The Maw are still bugged?

Edit: Still can’t use Mikanikos. Maybe he unlocks later. Maybe bugged. Maybe secret time game. WHo knows.

Regarding Rampage: apparently it’s scheduled to be fixed in patch 11.0.2.

See this thread.

Agree with your frustration at all the bugs.

Can confirm that it still isn’t fixed for me despite meeting all of the pre-requisites. I don’t know how Blizz managed to implement a small pre-patch for a new expansion, yet really messed up loads of pre-existing content at the same time.