Bug: Missing NPCs and Players in Anniversary Event on Specific Character


I’m encountering a strange issue with my character during the WoW anniversary event. My priest (Aalis - Pozzo dell’Eternità) is unable to see any NPCs or players when entering the event zone. However, if I move out of the zone or stay at a distance, I can see the characters, but they vanish as soon as I enter the area again.

This issue only occurs with my priest. I have other characters (like my paladin, hunter etc.) participating in the event, and the zone works perfectly for them. I have already tried resetting my UI, clearing the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders, and even used the repair tool to scan the game files, but the issue persists.

Given that it only affects one specific character, it seems like a server-side phasing issue rather than an addon problem. If it were related to addons, it would presumably affect all of my characters, not just one.

I’ve tried all but the customer service was unable to help me, he told me to report it here.

I made a video to explain the problem, remove the space between // and youtu
https:// youtu.be/_K04FWLSgqw

Do you have tailoring?

See https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/368263

TL;DR complete the questline. Alternatrively abandoning tailoring might fix it, but I am not 100% sure.

I don’t know how to thank you, indeed I started that quest, I was on “Step Into Her Shoes”.
when I returned to play I deleted all the quest through the gear upgrade system, so I didn’t have any clues to understand the problem because I didn’t have any quest in that zone. (I supposed that was the problem, but it was hard to think about a quest I didn’t have)

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