Bug Report: Web-Wrapped in the Finest Silks Achievement does not give out reward

Hey. I made ingame ticket and got answer from CS to post the bug on US bug report forum as well. I cannot do this since it requires minimum of level 10 character to create a post on US forums. All of my characters unfortunately are on EU realms.


Web-Wrapped in the Finest Silks achievement does not give out luminous catalyst nerubian stone as a reward, like its supposed to. I have completed the achievement with two different characters, Topi-Tarrenmill and Lowlactose-Tarrenmill, neither of them got the item. Method of completing was reaching elite rank (2400) on solo shuffle. Even tho I got in contact with CS via in-game ticket, I still dont have my items.

You can make a free trial account on the US side, level it to level 10, then use that to post the report there. I know its work, but sadly Blizzard doesn’t read bug reports made on the EU forums.

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CS doesn’t handle bug reports, if there’s no support article or developer policy that states they can assist with this particular problem you can also submit it through the ingame bug report tool which goes to the same team that browses the US bug report forum.

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Hello there Nakke,

Please note that the reward is only provided once, on the first character to complete the achievement. Once used, the appearances are unlocked for all characters in your Warband, and so completing the achievement again on another character would correctly not grant the item again.

Having a look it seems you already earned it on Topi back at the start of January, when you also received and used the reward.

So in short, you should already have the rewards unlocked!

That said, we’ve had a few other reports of the rewards not becoming available to use, which is something that is already under investigation:

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