BUG: Season total honor gained resets everytime you spend

as title says it all, i cant buy weapons while i got full honor set.

everytime i spend my honor the season total resets

EDIT: i can now buy my weapons. but the season total honor gained is still showing the same amount as honor ive got. which is currently 105 season total gained.

I have a total of 10 honor pieces bought (head 2200, neck 1250, shoulder 1650, cloak 1250, wrist 1250, hands 1650, 2 rings 1250 ea, 1 trinket 1650 and can now finally buy my weapon.)

at 9 items i wasnt able to. still not working as it shouldve

how much of that honor was gained from wg/tb?
the first reports on this are from may, they do not care

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