Some questions require clarification. Support the topic with likes and activity.
- Random battlegrounds dont work
- Warriors charge (rogues stuns) dont have diminishings
- When warriors in Bladestorm he can hit you a melee attack additionally (white attack)
- Shaman spams fire totem
- Warsong timer sometimes bugged and dont work
Weekly BG is Strand of the Ancients which requires level 80.
Deju vu. Exact same thing happend in TBC prepatch with Eye of the storm.
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You can get death-gripped even through cloak of shadows.
Pretty sure this isnât a bug.
Death Grip is a physical ability.
Anyone tried making a guild event using the in game calendar?
Or had the equipment manager bug out?
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As a Warrior with Titanâs Grip you can equip Polearms as off hand weapon - but they do not attack - the error is the possibility of equipping, not the missing attack.
One more for the collection:
Obviously they should stay when summoned, yet despawn and have to be recast at a cost after flying.
The Insane achievement is also bugged.
If you get Honored with Bloodsail, and then go below it, upon relogging you lose the ticked Honored Bloodsail criteria, so one must get Exalted with the goblins in 1 session if they want to go with the cloth turn in option.
Blue post told it would come later.
No bro, its magic ability
Warsong pvp kill credits for return flags do not work. (100 returned flag and 2 returned flag in flag room)
Death Grip is a spell as it is also affected by a warriors Spell Reflection.
Though, I believe itâs seen as a âPhysical spellâ so it still grips through CoS (this is how it was in original wotlk)
Druid :
You have to cast track humanoid everytime you enter cat form . ( I remember autocast when you enter cat form )
All the dots from track humanoids are red. ( I remember being green - friendly vs red - enemy )
As I said, I remember it a bit differently, I could be wrong. Could anyone shed a bit of light on this topic ? Thanks 
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Everything you said is correct.