Bug with Visions Of the Dreamer Quest

Hello! I have encountered a bug with the “Visions of the Dreamer” questline and I need assistance. I handed both visions quests to Dreamweaver, but didn’t get any quest afterwards, so now I’m locked out of the campaign quests.

While still inside the dreams, I moved towards the quest giver without exiting the dreams first, but once I entered the Hibernal Hollow it appears that I was removed from the dream “instance(?)” and could deliver the quests normally, so I didn’t think too much about it.

However I then watched some videos about the quest and saw that the player that was doing it exited the dream first and only then entered the Hibernal Hollow, could this have caused the issue?

What can I do to proceed with the campaign?

Found this on wowhead in the comments

After turning this in I wasn’t offered the next quest in the campaign. Turns out you need to be lvl 58. /sigh.

ooo okey thanks alot!

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