Bugged walls, NPCs and visuals in game

Dear Blizzard,

It has been brought into my attention that you are bringing certain updates into the world of Azeroth. The thrill of newness is certainly expected, yet I am among those who still enjoy cities and places perhaps long forgotten.

Ten thousand years ago, Suramar was the shining jewel of Kaldorei Empire. Now after ages have passed, it is all that is left from the grandeour which elves once built.

While awaiting for an opportunity to return to this grandeour of the Empire in its glory days, I was enjoying a walk through my beloved home city of Suramar. Only to notice that there have been some changes to the city, which I find to be an utter disgrace.

We nightborne are paying a portion of our wealth monthly to keep our city and the world running for the benefit of all. Yet, you clumsy servants have tarnished the architecture of my beloved city in a manner which even a dire troll could not accomplish. This deviance has even encouraged citizens of Suramar to practise illusions which are too far out of proportion for our noble culture.

Take care of this screw-up this instant or I shall withold your next payment until the task has been completed.

Yours truly, Lord Arcturiel Nightbolt - future Emperor of the Nightborne

Creative expressions aside, there seem to be a few visual bugs in Suramar which were not there few patches ago. The bugged wall can be found at Terrace of Enlightenment 49.75, 61.66 and bugged NPCs in The Gilded Market at 56.19, 57.72.

And as a side note, while I’ve been glad to see that hippogryphs in Azsuna have stopped swimming in the sky, their sleeping animations are still bugged!

Game aesthetics are important even if the expansion wasn’t current content anymore, please fix!

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