Bugs bugs bugs and bugs

So, it’s been some three months since cataclysm launch and i still cannot properly inspect people’s talents or see reforges. Also hunter pets are bugged in almost every scenario (arenas, bosses, not reseting cooldowns, running into textures, disapearing randomly, doing nothing, can’t attack boss (sinestra) etc.)

When are we getting this fixed???


Hello its me the blues. We thank you for your constructive feedback. We will get back to you and keep you informed. We are here for you and will surely fix everything as soon as possible. That includes server population, bugs and bots. We stand for quality and we promise an even better product than the originally released one! Trust us and have a great time in Azeroth!

PS: A friendly reminder we had to implement the wow token to reduce the number of bots. The token does not increase player numbers or our income, its simply an anti botting tool.


Also super-bugged hunter’s melee-range on large bosses where hunter suddenly stops autoshot and tries to melee bosses. And super-annoying trap launcher implementation which requires complicated unnatural macros to perfom well.

There are sooo many bugged achievements as well. Right now I am waiting for them to fix the achievement for killing 100 flag carriers in WSG, because I’m not getting credit when I kill them. I got “It’s over 9000”-FOS before I got 9000 achievement points and “Loremaster of Kalimdor” doesn’t recognize that I have completed all the zones so the achi shows me I need to finish 4 zones that I already finished… (and when linking it in chat it greys out 4 different ones than it does inside the achievement tab). Also can’t get achievement for destroying the demos in Tol Barad because when they deploy they don’t turn into “deployed demos”.

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Honestly, the mind boggles.

Blizzard will fix a WOTLK Titan rune dungeon so it only needs 1 player to activeate Titan rune mode which when you think of it will litreally cause griefing… Slow clap

Yet, Don’t fix pets getting off lifts, accessing certain areas for Hunter & Warlocks.

Only figurewd out the other day that Hunter & Warlocks are basically screwed when it comes to the Phase 3 part against Aili’kir in ToT4W as pets just fall to their death.

Meaning Warlocks and Hunters miss out on alot of their damage making it more difficult for guilds to get the HC kill… Just why…

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Classic is in maintenance only mode. From day 1 it’s been riddled with bots bugs cheats & exploits. The only way they will take any notice is to cancel your sub and stay away from ALL versions of the game for at least an entire quarter. Cancelling right now won’t be noticed because you have already counted as an active subscriber for quarter 3 (July 1st to September 30th) however as long as you stay away for the entitety of quarter 4 (October 1st to December 31st) you will be removed from the active subscriber figures. Obviously it will take many thousands of players doing this to even cause a blip so don’t be fooled into thinking Blizzard care one iota about their ‘customers’ feelings.

Another bug that’s been haunting me lately is that not all of my damage is recorded in the combat log. For example, all too often my hunter’s pet is completely missing from my damage log

Does anyone know why my character has been stuck an animation for 3 hours?
Tried the unstuck tool, reloading . relogging and dying.

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