I agree the gaps will be large in some cases. My point is where such gaps exist it does not directly correlate with a player who “gives a damn about their contribution” outside of the part of the game where it comes down to numbers and players are skill-capped (high keys, mythic raid).
Maybe it’s personal preference too… i don’t like being lower than somebody with equal gear, so i’ll always look for and research to see if i can improve on something.
Honestly I could live with ‘‘trying new things’’ but lets be honest covenants are also just like Azerite and Legion artefacts.
It is all borrowed power that is supposed to finish the specs as a whole. But on the same time it creates a problem that the specs feel unfinished and boring (Most of the specs fundamental issues arent even fixed)
Everytime they tried borrowed powers they failed and needed to make huge changes to make the system less frustrating.
Legion was a mess till we got the full artefact weapon (by increasing access to artefactpower) and Legendaries were farmable with resources.
BFA was/is a mess. To improve it they needed to increase rings on azerite gear. They needed to make essences buyable. They needed to make corruptions buyable. And even after all this the system is still bad.
And now we have Covenants with 4 different spells for 3 specs with different roles in 3 different environments (M+ , Raid and PvP)… how does anyone can think of: ‘‘yeah that is a good idea, we can balance that’’ ?
I personally dont know a single player who just does one single thing with the same spec for 2 years straight… not even a month. Most People do either multiple things or multiple specs, if not both.
This is now the third time the community says that this wont work… and yet they still refuse to do something about it.
And my question is: HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO BLIND?

Honestly I could live with ‘‘trying new things’’ but lets be honest covenants are also just like Azerite and Legion artefacts.
They are actually worse. Artifacts were build around the spec, not shared across multiple specs, so it was pretty easy to change some traits without affecting any other spec.
Yeah, I know that… they doubling down on something most people hate.
I think his list was disagreed with by people in the discord so they banned him over it

Can’t wait to play a fairy death knight
Don’t be daft. Fairy is not a playable anything.
So stop being edgy. Edgy McEdgyedge.
Yeah tbh this
I’d say convenants will be alot more fun than azerite gear. But from a balancing point of view it’s definitely more complex and gonna be alot harder to manage xD

Poor Mistweaver Monk… this system is trash. Make it a cosmetic choice only.
Necrolords, the only covenant i didn’t want to join with my Monk because the leather set is just disgusting, it’s the only option that isn’t bad.
Completely off topic but I still can’t get used to pandas, it’s so weird and bugs me
But yea wait and and see, if it’s bad I have plenty of stuff to grind for anyway

Would you mind someone in the same gear as you, as the same class doing 20% more damage than you just because of rng borrowed power?
How is it rng ? Don’t you have control over what covenant ability/soulbind abilities/conduits you pick ? Do the abilities themselves have crazy rng procs like twilight devastation/infinite stars ?
I think on the contrary it feels good that investing time, ressources, making irreversible choices and applying your own theory-crafting for the gameplay you want to specialize in put you at an advantage over someone that didn’t make the same kind of investments.
As for balancing, I don’t think game designers have that as a goal. We see this through class balance, that has never been a thing from the start.
When they say they want to balance classes, most of it is relative to the content, not between the classes. They don’t want broken abilities that would trivialize the content for example, that’s what they mean by balance.
They don’t have an incentive to equalize the classes output in every situation, on the contrary they want to keep their flavor. There is a design incentive to purposely introduce imbalances and try to hit that mark through numbers tuning. There is also a benefit to letting players figure things out and get away with things as part of the player experience.
Another dimension to balancing, is that you balance things in relation to a situation. I don’t think comparing the covenant abilities for their throughpout over 5 minutes on a target dummy orders them completely.
It depends what the goal is : single target consistant damage, aoe consistant damage, short cd burst, long cd burst, utility/pvp considerations, a blend of those, etc. I think having a clear winner in one of those categories by a margin and being “imbalanced” in that way makes sense.
It becomes a failure when none of these choices are attractive for any situation, no matter how niche the situation is, just like you wouldn’t keep a class in the game that nobody perceives as having value for the gameplay they envision.
It’s natural as a player to want to close the gap in situations where you are disadvantaged, that’s a gameplay element. However as a game designer, you shouldn’t solve that problem for the player, or make it solvable at all for the player in some situations.
That’s why players make bad game designers. And why your feedback is not as valuable as you might think. It is considered, translated, but not taken as a game design directive.

Don’t be daft. Fairy is not a playable anything.
So stop being edgy. Edgy McEdgyedge
Recruit yourself Tmog reward is the most edgy stuff I know.
And I’m gonna get it to roleplay as Arthur Morgan, don’t mind me.
Edge is cool

Recruit yourself Tmog reward is the most edgy stuff I know.
I think you need to look up the term.

And I’m gonna get it to roleplay as Arthur Morgan, don’t mind me.
Knock yourself out.

Edge is cool
Being edgy not so much.

I sometimes do, just because I like the flavour or effect of a certain ability or proc. And guess what; I still do fine.
I would argue that but sure.

I disagree, but let’s take your word for it: So change the raids. Make them less ‘gimmicky’. No stupid dances and whatnot. Tank, spank. DPS races. Gear checks. Simple. Problem solved.
If they make em the way you suggest, that would actually require min/maxing even more. Also they would be boring (Looking at you Sha’dar).
So it’s blizzards job to ensure players are benched
Very interesting
On a serious note, in a sense it is correct, game would be very stale if the game was perfectly balanced
But they leave alot of speccs and classes much lower then is acceptable
Those number differences Preach mentions in his video do not take covenant abilities into account as far as I know. That is only the basic rotation with soulbinds and conduits applied to them on a target dummy.
He also mentions that the differences are notable at lower itemlevel (around 5%) but with more gear it can grow as big as 30% difference between soulbinds.
I am certain that Blizzard will get around to change it. The question is when that will happen.
That feeling when you come to forum and see that… THING… is still posting, trolling as usual and still defending the covenant idiocy because it sucks in the game, can’t do math, doesn’t try to do anything remotely difficult, doesn’t get why it is a problem because it’s not their problem and opinion of frickin thousands of other players doesn’t matter. It sits quietly in the corner if it has nothing sensible to say or it gets the hose again!
Or maybe mass report it for trolling. We have seen how exactly Blizz’s Newest and Most Improved Crap on Broken Stick are working for the whole BFA. If that troll pretending to be a human being doesn’t get it, it’s pretty clear to me it is either trolling and belongs offline in the ban zone, or it is mentally deficient and belongs in a mental institution. In both cases it shouldn’t be wasting other people’s time with its laughable attempts at logical fallacies.
Oh, and for those uncouth barbarians who haven’t read or watched Silence of the Lambs, the default form for troll is “it” as IT does not have clearly defined masculine/feminine form in English unless you refer to a person or WoW char of Troll race. So I can be either referencing a piece of classic or be grammatically correct. Works both ways.
Bro chill out a little
Is someone expressing positivity about the idea of a covenant enough to break you?

That feeling when you come to forum and see that… THING… is still posting, trolling as usual and still defending the covenant idiocy because it sucks in the game, can’t do math, doesn’t try to do anything remotely difficult, doesn’t get why it is a problem because it’s not their problem and opinion of frickin thousands of other players doesn’t matter. It sits quietly in the corner if it has nothing sensible to say or it gets the hose again!
Just have to say… well played good sir, well played XD.
I just pray that you don’t get flagged for that, as it can be seen as CoC breaking.