Build the Ripcord

i7-7700K 4.2GHz Kaby Lake, RX 480 8192MB GDDR5, 32gig ram is my current pc…

The card is very old now. It’s been going strong for 3 years… but I’d be playing 3 on low if I kept it. I hope it will still be good for BFA and older expacs as it is now.

still gonna pick necrolord tho, the soulbinds are where its at.

I would suggest you to grab one of the used high end card panic sales.

Unless you really want that ray tracing.

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I’m not interested in that… I just want it to look pretty (ish)

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Well, beauty has its price sadly.
If you want something from the new generations, I would wait until both Invidia (intended typo) and AMD lay all their cards on the table against each other first.

Rumors have it that AMD will give more horsepower per money currency at the expense of fewer DLSS-style bells and whistles


Well looks like I have a year to mull over it!

Don’t worry it’s not a virus.

Anna, you’re one of my favorite people around, even if we strongly disagree on some things. But please, please stop pushing this idea that the choice should be based on the abilities alone. As Preach said in his videos, the soulbinds can give 20-30% difference in performance. This is huge, and I’d argue soulbinds are the main thing that should matter to endgame players due to how much of an impact they have.

This is the problem with making the entire covenant system a bundle deal that you cannot get separately.

I mean as in Aesthetics/story/cosmetics + Abilities + soulbinds.


To me this is what makes them interesting, although they are definitely going to be unbalanced. But I’m not sure if that is too much of a problem as the entire game has never been balanced really. There are flavor of the month classes, now we’ll have fotm covenants on top of that.

My main problem is that it’s really hard for players to make an informed choice because of the distraction these abilities are causing. Personally, I would completely remove them. They’re causing players to tunnel vision into them, they’re not seeing the forest for the trees.


Having to chose between the choice that looks good, the choice that gives a cool ability and the choice that gives more performance, is hella frustrating.

Blizzard HQ is snorting too much Soul Dust if they think they can create a relatively balanced state for this


Same. That’s because the expansion outside of covenants doesn’t look bad at all, at least for me. They changed Thorgast according to feedback as well and they did it quickly. I thought they would listen to feedback when it comes to covenant as well, especially after Legion legendary system and azerite system backfired this badly after not listening to feedback. But Oh well, seems like they still need a few lessons to learn from.

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To my knowledge those “rankings” are the same as those done for simcraft.

With that said, I am starting to get fed up with the loop of “you should not pursue just performance”, from people that have not sniffed anything over a WQ over the past 2 years.


And that don’t engage in content where performance matters!



If the difference was on the level of 1%, it would be one thing (1% is still plenty significant, but let’s pretend it is not). But it isn’t 1% and isn’t even close. It’s more like 10-15%. Or even 20%. Or even more.

And whatever they do to reduce the difference now will be inevitably undone by their changes to other things just weeks later. They will open the raid, see the numbers, notice some discrepancies and go to improve them - and this very thing, by nature of being a change in a complex, intertwined world of formulae - this very thing will throw it all back into the air, change which covenant is bad and which is bis for many specs, and increase the differences again. Increasing differences will not be their intent, but it will absolutely happen, because again, the number of interactions between things is huge.

And one more thing - everybody will be hit by this big margin of effectiveness, nobody is immune. Even if someone only ever plays a single spec in a single role and picks their BIS covenant now - this BIS covenant will simply change in the next season. This is more or less guaranteed. And what then? Re-grind it all over…

Blizzard are so stupidly stubborn regarding what is inevitably going to be one of the big issues in the expansion. Ah, well, years from now Ion will mumble something regarding this being a mistake and will say that they “learned their lesson”…


night fae is more than viable for all druid specs

all is well then

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Pick it then and watch it stopping to be viable for some or all specs later.

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i will


God, what a tragic state of affairs.

Pushed into the blue man group, my boys in the Venthyr covenant sitting in the red and the glorified Night Elf crap slowly creeping up to the top.

Delete this pls.


Ayyyy Venthyr Hunter went from Bad to Medicore/Good! And NF went from trash to mediocre! Moving on up.

Warlock balanced across the board except NF too, exciting times.