Build the Ripcord

Beta till 9.3.


No, I don’t mind.

Can we move on from this non-issue now?

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If something is not an issue for you it does not matter it is not a issue for other people.

Just like I don’t bleed every 4 weeks, yet fully understand why people complain about it.


No Tahra what is you doing. :cry:

Absolutely, I would mind. And a lot of people would.

This is just to neuter the earlier reply from someone else with “No, this is not an issue”. It is an issue.

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That was a delightful amount of puns

This is the reddit discussion that the spreadsheet is from

If anyone is interested in the discussions. Not everyone agrees with the data so as always bear that in mind.

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Data Analysis is hard.

Even when SL comes out and we have black on white results via logs, people will argue over them.

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Shad Priest
Mediocre Mediocre Mediocre Bad



The ones where some are just ‘trash’ are funny


So I guess if I want to play multiple specs, I’d best play rogue or DH.

Tell me about it!

So far it’s looking awfully like Venthyr is the “must have” covenant, with Necrolord a distant second.

Unfortunately, I can’t stand the aesthetic of either. I will have to report to my covenant for my weekly chores, and having to go to either of the above will result in me just not wanting to log in.

So, at 60, I will pick Kyrian. Even though it’s potentially much worse, it probably won’t get relevant until week 3-4, maybe later. And I’m really, really hoping that if it goes live with the current imbalances, by the end of November, at least some adjustments will have been made.

If not… I will probably end up switching to Venthyr, and I will be much less happy with the game, I will spend much less time logged in, and I will absolutely minimise my presence as much as possible. If Blizz want to manoeuvre me into raid-logging, failing to balance covenants is a great way to do it.

(I can’t believe I’m down to trying to reassure myself that it will be ok a month after launch. Starting to smell my own desperation now :frowning: )

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Im pretty sure that sheet is now outdated with the new updates recently

There is a mix of pride/stubborn from the designers imo.

They won’t do anything for now even though when they announced abilities linked to your selection of covenant we all knew the crapstorm was coming and they’d be repeating the same errors like azerite/corruption system + legiondaries.

This will probably get sorted out in 9.2 or 9.3, again.

They need to stop with the borrowed powers and focus all that dev time on actually improving the classes and their specs.

“You think you want it but you don’t” meme fits well here.

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Going to be hard work getting to 9.2 with a covenant I hate :frowning:

“Alt friendly” is sounding more and more like “you’re not going to enjoy your main that much anyway, so you’ll probably do casual content on other characters”.


As the updates only came out yesterday, I would strongly suspect it’s not changed yet.

I do mind, so it’s an issue.

Works this way too !


(Updated 9/20/20)

According to the details.

I know right ! I guess I should consider myself lucky, I play DH and wanted to go for Venthyrs anyway.

But when I see DK having to go to Faerie lands because the ability is just the best… damn. That’s sad.

I still don’t understand how from a design standpoint they’d push this. Giving players choice is not forcing pigeonholes, choices can have consequences in singleplayer games and it’s fine but in a game where you compete with others ? Not so much.

And we know Blizz can’t balance stuff (still they do a better job than GW2 team)

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There is a note at the top and a bigger note at the bottom citing changes from 9/23. But that’s not important. What’s important is that the differences are big. Prior changes did not reduce them materially.