Build the Ripcord

Nope; I’m saying those declines are due to players like yourselves. THEY are the real problem here. They are clinging to a meta like obsessive tryhards, even though that’s not needed at all. Only at the very, very high end is such behaviour ‘needed’.

Of course we dont know that for a fact, but we unfortunately got our experiences with previous expansions or tier-systems. I am patiently going to wait, again. But we are now only 1 month before release. Sorry not sorry for being sceptitcal :frowning: Obviously i also want it to work and have balance.


No, you said that you are

That’s me trying your way of quoting. I think I am going to use it in replies to your posts, seems suitable.

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Then wait; and report the imbalances to them and give them a chance to rectify it. Shouting ‘ripcord’ over and over again, does nothing at this point.

We do know for a fact that blizz can’t gameplay QA and leave that to players. Play testing dev mode is not applicable for tuning.

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And I get accused of trolling… :no_mouth:

You get accused of trolling because you are trolling. You post in order to get reactions, as a sport. That’s called trolling.


Yes, when I play a spec that I wanna enjoy, I don’t intentionnaly play it in a way that would hinder my performances.

Players will always find the best way. There are a lot of nerds out there that do a lot of job trying to figure out what’s the best way to play a certain spec, SINCE VANILLA.

It’s fine, nobody complained aboot for 16 year. We all know how it ends up when Blizzard tries to “fix” what’s not broken…They break more stuff than they “fix” so…

Covenant impacts mein whole raid group, mein whole PVP team, mein whole M+ team.

So picking a talent over another is over optimization. Using crowd control is over optimization. Well…

Vanilla raids are easier than current LFR, which require NO min-maxing at all.
Vanilla raids were made in a way that every single player would defeat them, because 40 mans raids.

Well, it was a thing, not as popular as today, but was still a thing. And always will be.


You’re wrong. And I’m here telling you that. So repeating it is basically slander.
Kindly stop.

To get reactions, sure. That’s… why forums exist?!
Not for a sport, that’s silly. I want to create counterweight, because there’s certain players that are VERY vocal and they want changes that support their way of playing, which is harmful for the game as a whole. So yes, I post and react. Not to troll, but to provide a countervoice.

A lot of players are skeptical. I can’t blame them. Pull the ripcord now is a bad timing in my oppinion too, so i am not asking for it.

At this moment it is important blizzard is fixing all the baseline things. Like quest-bugs, like class abilities that are not working yet (windwalker monk waves), like legendaries that are currently only a placeholder at this moment. Blizz is in a rush :frowning:

It is. It’s my favourite and will always be my main. It has so many bugs, though. In retail. And the bugs continue and were even expanded upon in Shadowlands. With not a single Bluepost other than the promise for changes and fixes that never came, we feel abandoned. I don’t mind being on the bottom of the barrel. But having so many buggy abilities on top of it just stinks.

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Dont forget your awefull scaling :smiley:

Yeah, but I can live with that, and some other classes have that issue too. SEF being bugged for… what… 3 expansions now, though? xD And then their solution is to remove cancelaura, which breaks controlled rolling… :smiley:

Is that mathematically certain though? It strikes me it’s also possible that the difference will get less. For all I know, the Venthyr ability scales on ilvl; but even now in BfA, we have plenty of people wearing lower ilvl items because they’re better with the secondaries on a different piece. Or maybe it scales best with haste, but the rest of the spec scales best with crit, so that the gap actually closes as time goes on and you have a bigger library of gear from which to choose and optimise.

But I do think Blizz will attempt some degree of balancing if the difference is more than 5-10%. I also think it will be at least 4 weeks after launch that the first wave of this happens.

Fortunately, most of us won’t be hitting mythic raids, or even heroic, at that point, so it’s not unreasonable to go with what you like on day 1, then just… wait and see where we’re at on December 1st?

I sometimes do, just because I like the flavour or effect of a certain ability or proc. And guess what; I still do fine.

No, ‘certain players’ will.
And that’s what Blizzard would like to stop. And so would I.
It turns a game which is in its very essence a cooperative experience into a much more competitive experience. And I take issue with that (and apparently so do the devs). There are PARTS of the game which are competitive, sure, but that doesn’t mean it should seap into every pore of the game.

  1. not true. There were plenty of complaints.
  2. it’s been getting worse and worse, especially over the last years.

Just a little bit. You’ll do fine.

I disagree, but let’s take your word for it: So change the raids. Make them less ‘gimmicky’. No stupid dances and whatnot. Tank, spank. DPS races. Gear checks. Simple. Problem solved.

Doesn’t mean Blizzard has to bow down and cater to such a thing. I’d say quite the opposite; try to counter it as much as possible. Which they seem to agree on.

I agree. So let’s agree that we shouldn’t distract them with ‘ripcord’. :blush:

Their solution for the bug where you couldnt switch weapons in combat sometimes (Which was extremely bad for warriors) was to remove all weapon requirements for Shields and removing the ability to change weapons in combat…

So I know how you feel :smiley:

If you scroll to the bottom to additional notes on paladin

They banned him from paladin discord for this list :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Only convenant I don’t wanna play is kyrian tbh

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If it ain’t fixed, break it more. xD

Basically :smiley:

Also, BFA corruption in a nutshell


What happened with that anyway?