For now; yeah it is.
They’re making it the way they want to make it.
Doesn’t mean that won’t change in the future, but they’re NOT changing it for release. No way, no how.
For now; yeah it is.
They’re making it the way they want to make it.
Doesn’t mean that won’t change in the future, but they’re NOT changing it for release. No way, no how.
That’s the biggest strawman i have seen in this forum since yesterday.
Everyone cites the inability to play specs at a feasible level as abilities don’t provide proper back up, between specs and type of content.
I am not sure if you are trolling or just lack the empathy to realize that if you don’t participate in content, other people do. Especially that if changes are free of gameplay penalties it will not effect you in any case.
Monk is a great class
It’s the truth.
‘feasible level’. Such pure and utter nonsense.
You can play your class just fine. Stop with the obsessive tryharding. Please! It’s inane.
It’s neither; It’s a total different philosophy on gaming.
I don’t want there to be a meta in a game like WoW.
I don’t want players to be able to min-max in a game like WoW.
Yeah, you are trolling.
Look at the numbers.
Yeah, I know. Graphics, Music and most of Cosmetics are great.
But if you paint poop gold its still poop.
It was 6 years of WE DONT WANT PRUNING! till they realized it… its now 4 years of WE DONT WANT BORROWED POWERS TO MAKE OUR CLASSES ''ENJOYABLE! … I really dont know why they continue this bad path for the game.
How do you say it? “Tough.”
It. Doesn’t. Matter.
It REALLY doesn’t. It’s in your mind.
You do NOT need to be the best. It doesn’t matter if someone from the same class does more DPS. It just doesn’t. It really, really doesn’t.
And if it does TO YOU… Then you’re obsessive and need help, honestly.
Neh, Blizzard agrees.
Covenants should have been cosmetic only from the start.
Everyone knows Blizzard will never be able to balance covenants when combat abilities are tied to them.
Its record had 0% success rate, and yet it doesn’t want a ripcord.
I honestly don’t know man, honestly when you just think about it, it doesn’t make sense.
Why focus on layers of borrowed powers + badly balanced legiondaries while you can simply focus on improving classes and their respective specs ?
Not only you gain dev time being used for something more productive in the long run but most players would be thankful for it.
It’s honestly weird, someone up there must have a pride issue or something.
Ion talked about that in the interview but in reality they never had a plan for it, in case if it was needed. More smokes and mirrors.
It matters.
“It’s in your mind” is not an excuse. Yes, some of that is in my mind. So what? I bought this game specifically to entertain my mind.
Additionally, “It’s in your mind” is only part of the story. It’s in the mind of others as well and this matters to my gameplay.
None of this is rocket science.
When I don’t try hard, I always look at least at the best build. Why would I play something that sucks balls ?
It’s like a solo game RPG, every single player would pick up the best sword, the best armor suit and the best tools to progress their characters.
Obessive try harding would actually be race changing every 3 weeks, with every single cheese in mind.
Picking a covenant based on performance is not over optimization.
Then why are you on WOW, since this game favours min-maxing since day 1 ?
There was a meta in 2004 so …
So, it’s not an actual issue.
YOU are the issue. Stop trying to wreck games to satisfy your obsessions.
First, learn to quote in full. Second, take a logic class, your “so” does not exist.
You cut right at the sentence that explained how it is “an actual issue”.
Blizzard promised it doesnt matter what covenant we are going to choose. Right now the numbers show there is a 20-25% difference on lower ilvl’s. It is also already provent these numbers are getting worse the higher ilvl people get. In the preach video they tested it up to ilvl 200, while mythic raiding is 226 ilvl (and a bit higher).
With the current numbers blizzard is not delivering their promise. Also i can hardly call 20+% difference “min-maxing”. We don’t complain about 2%.
I agree with you that blizzard is not going to change it now just before release. That is probably the wrong timing. But i am definitely assuming blizzard is going to ‘fix’ this in 9.1. They can not deliver what they want. It is too hard and differences will only become larger and larger.
Oh, maybe because you enjoy the flavour of a certain spec. You know; fun.
Maybe you just like how it plays. You know; fun.
These are JUST as viable reasons to play something. Yet, with meta getting involved those reasons become ‘outlawed’. Time for change. Blizzard thinks so.
TOTALLY different thing because that impacts nobody but yourself.
It is.
Blizzard even said so.
Nope. Always played what I liked. Always. And I did great in raids in vanilla.
Wouldn’t know. I don’t follow such player made drivel.
Right now is not a month from now.
Tell them about this balance. That’s fine.
But stop the ‘ripcord’ nonsense.
You don’t know that for a fact.
I like my way of quoting.
My logic is impeccable.
Except it’s not. It’s in your head.
GUYS! GUYS! Everything is okay… havnt you heared? Tahra said that all the declines we got for playing the wrong spec were just in our minds! DONT YOU UNDERSTAND!?!
Srsly, I still remember needing to make my own groups to be able to do M+ at the start of BFA (because all the declines) and even than doing a lot less damage than most of my friends.
And how many people have to reroll to disc because holy is that bad.