Bullion/dinar items should be a seasonal thing in a nerfed form

Basically… season 4’s seem to be my favorite since the gear acquisition is not too toxic.
In normal seasons ppl will try to buy rare items, use friends to roll on them, cry over RNG never giving it to them in vault.
I know super hardcore 9/9 mythic players who, in previous seasons, despite semi-cringe attempts would never get “That one item”.
Welll… obviously the current iteration of bullions is over the top.
But let’s imagine this in a normal season:

  1. you get like 2 “dinars” the entire season per character
  2. you get the first dinar in week 5, then week 7.
    2)a) that means it won’t affect RWF or first pushing. Also, winning the good item early on will still be advantageous.
  3. you get dinar not for LFR but e.g. last 2 normal + heroic/mythic raid. Also mythic 8+. - this way you get a maybe “too good” of a reward but still a reward rather than a participation trophy.
  4. The maximum item level of the dinar should be, say 5 ilvl below maximum mythic ilvl (as opposed to the current situation where it can reach top mythic ilvl) - this way it’s still gonna be more valuable to get the item from mythic boss drop.

I’m usually pretty lucky with rolls or gear on my chars. But this season feels less toxic. Like, on my alt I won the diurna mythic ring I didn’t have bullioned yet and… nobody really cares - most people had it from bullions anyway.
We also don’t have those mythic raiders or 4k rio guys queuing for 1-2 bosses in heroic and leaving because their item didn’t drop.
We don’t have e.g. hunters, rogues or healers trying to “illegally” (note quotes) get their hands on fyrakk’s tank trinket they need for M+.

And before you tell me I want stuff for free - no. Also remember that when the Great Vault was introduced or the mythic weekly chest, there were some people crying it’s gonna ruin gear acquisiton? I don’t think that 1-2 good items late in the season.


Dinar is a great system for one reason:
you don’t have to raid to get the best items.

I hate raiding.

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I was with you until this.
Nope. Dealbreaker. Don’t exclude people.

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its not only because you would exclude people but mainly enforce raiding once again which is basically the best thing about dinars, that you exactly do not have to raid

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It’s honestly amazing that people have tolerated the atrocious drop-rates from raids for so long.

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You can only get dinars from raids?

What they mean is they don’t have to go out of their way to look for a group in LFG and just get it quickly done in LFR without much hassle instead. It’s understandable.

You basically go into LFR and press some buttons while you watch some tv-series on your other screen.

Can’t really do that in heroic.

I like the bullion system. It is a way to ensure that I will one day get what I’m after. If RNG smiles my way, I get it sooner, but when I hit that unlucky streak we all do sometimes, I know that I am guaranteed to be able to buy the item in X amount of weeks.

The Augury Trinket is a prime example. I’ve killed Fyrakk every week since the LFR-wing opened. I was only able to finally buy the trinket after they introduced the currency. The item not only have to drop, but I also have to win the roll. I once lost with a 97 roll to add to the frustration. The bullion system removes some of that frustration.

With the crest-system, I’m not able to upgrade the item I buy beyond the content I am doing anyway. Maybe aside from converting crests which, unless I am doing normals/HCs, will take an eternity and then some.

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Naw, gear progression in seasons 1-3 was already very fast. If everyone gets a free piece in weeks 5 and 7, everyone will nearly be in full BiS half-way into the season.

If Blizz balances gear well, not having every BiS item won’t feel bad.

What does feel bad is getting gear so quickly that you can’t get any upgrades from the bosses you’re killing.

which i flawed as well, but it is still bearable because you can just kill 1-3 bosses semi afk in lfr to get them.
waste of time? yes, but 15min no fu n for the big reward is still acceptable to let blizz have their playtime

Imagine every season ppl won’t get trinket-weapons-tier due how rng works.

What benefit you get if every season you play the entire season to get those Bis gear when the season end and you go the 1st Hc dungeon of each new season to upgrade the hard-work gear you worked before?

Best gear progress was Tbc.
Not insane ilvl skip during season…
Season 1 you start getting raid gear at 376 ilvl and end up on current season at 528 ilvl…

There is no curve in gear up or better to say progress towards…

Every season is even worse than Diablo or any game with season …
You switch the gear that you get with the 1st Dungeon-M0 or Lfr… that is the lowest difficulty at all.

The game now is a loot-game that you just need to pick and upgrade… nothing else…

Honestly, the problem here is that raids are terrible in their current form. Dinars and Bullions are just a bandaid, Blizzard should fix raids instead.

Reducing raid size to 10 players and bringing back personal loot or making group loot take raid comp into account would be a good start.

raids were fine in early mmo because the people who played those games mainly were no lifers and nerds.

nowadays there is large variety of people playing wow and raids have high entry barrier, at least those that drop worth while gear. on top raids are extremely time consuming and also there is a high failure rate in pugs that would try mythic.

it is an outdated design and only kept alive because it was the biggest pillar of wow.

many people just have no time or energy to raid and that is why m+ is so successful in the first place

Well yeah, that’s why I’m saying it should change, it’s cancer to gather 15/20 people, even moreso when the average player is terrible at the game and can’t even read the chat when you try to explain it to him.

Heck, make raids doable at 8 people, 2/2/4.

i guess 8 people would be ok but probably should also split raids then into 3 boss wings at most similar to lfr.

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