Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 10

@Malou: Thank you for the long ingame chat, good night from here, too! :smiley: It was nice to “meet”. :slight_smile:

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Your best bet was immideat transfer from Razorgore to Golemagg. Now your character is temporarily unavailable and ends up on Mograine in about up to 2 weeks period.

Hi, Blizzard, you forgot to unlock Firemaw :slight_smile:
Can we please get a chance to move our characters so we can play with our friends. Like you said regarding faction change, i dont want to start over, and leave all my progress behind.

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Glad to hear that you could sleep in :slight_smile:

And i am really happy that you were able to join us :slight_smile:

And the Goblin Gumbo?
Perfect. We were able to leave something behind for the server murder admins!
They deserve it!

Today a lvl 1 appeared on HW.
And i am pretty sure i deleted this character some time ago.
Not sure, what they are doing :smiley:

Thank YOU for the long ingame chat :slight_smile:

It was great to meat you /speak to you in game. :slight_smile:

And maybe we will meet each other more often now. :wink:

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@Malou: Thank you! blush

As I noted, I might be able to play tonight, too.

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Today will be a RP Event by Vandar bur Nevren, if you are interested in getting to know some roleplayers:

Not sure if i will join, though, but at least some roleplayers should be in Brill this evening.

Thanks for the heads up on this. I have transfered one horde character to HW and I might pop in to the event and at least say hello (or something) to everyone.

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Yes, My last clone was deleted as well - I left one just to keep an eye on the cloning circus - the rest were deleted long ago, so as not to take up slots :wink:
Now one more has been transferred, My youngest son’s long forgotten character from ZT :wink: arrived this morning at around 9. I too had forgotten he existed.
But he’s level 14; which spoils my idea of them starting with the lowest level as Wunderhorn (level 13) and my Ally (level 10) from Celebras should have arrived first.
I think I have one more from ZT and a few test characters + bank still to arrive.

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you should transfer to Earthshaker its amazing for alliance

nice for you to add razorgore at last minute now i have a character stuck there, for goodness knows how long

Does that mean, they move deleted chars and undelete them?? :grimacing:

And now it is there again… :slight_smile:

But interesting, i would have thought they finish US first.
What a pitty, they could have practised there first :laughing:

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Nope. Short version: I deleted all my clones long ago, minus one.
Longer version: When TBCC went live, I moved one character to TBCC and deleted his Era-clone. I then went to TBCC and deleted all clones but one to give room for more Characters on the BCC servers, as the limit of 10 characters/realm also counted clones.
I kept that one clone at Nethergarde Keep just to see for how long it would hang around :wink: I was just curious, and never intended to pay for any cloning.

Hehe yes! They made some of the same mistakes here as well. Only not mistakenly delete a whole server :rofl:

But with the clones they did practise. EU servers were not down for 6+ hours while they deleted them :wink:

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Aaahh ok!

I am still confused where my lvl 1 comes from out of the sudden. It should not exist :smiley:

But they left 2 realms alive, which they intended to be killed: Shazzrah and Judgement are still online :rofl:

Hm, are you sure you deleted it, if you - like me - have more than ten characters you have to scroll down, using the mouse wheel to see all characters. There’s no indication of “more below” only in the server select screen you can see the number being 12, 13 or even more :wink: (up to 50 if you have characters on one realm only)

WoW! the other way around!

Pretty sure it was a spy character with an ´ because the real name was taken and i didn´t need it.
doesn´t matter, will delete it again (and hope it will remain deleted :rofl:)

And there you should not feel screwed :see_no_evil:

I´d wish they had forgtten to delete Celebras too…

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I had two level 1 spies on ZT. They haven’t done anything ever. They are on HW now. I had a level 1 character on Celebras. He had letters and also active auctions, when the server was shut down. He is not there yet.

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I think my lvl 1 character came also from Zandalar Tribe.
Maybe they start with Zandalar Tribe before they finish their Celebras murder.

On my second account, none of my cele chars arrived yet…

@Vanillataur: Your experimentation is interesting. A few somewhat random thoughts on specifics…

Characters in the database are very unlikely to be in level order. I think it is far more likely they are either in alphabetical or some unique ID order (which may or may not be related to mechanical age of the characters).

Additionally, it is possible that Blizzard is moving “easy” characters first. In other words, the system might be intentionally ordered to skip any cases, which have ongoing auctions, mail in the mail box or other such things.

In other words, the transfer queue might look something like this (completely made up names and so on, this is just an example):

1st: Aaron, level 44 (no problems).
2nd: Abbas, level 14 (no problems).
3rd: Bananaramanos, level 3 (no problems).
4th: Barbiegirl, level 70 (skip, has mail).
5th: Zurraburra, level 70 (no problems).
6th: Zyyxyros, level 1 (no problems).

Also, since auctions, mail, etc. eventually expire even while servers are no longer online, characters may appear in the order they become eligible to be moved… and somewhere near the end of the process the system might just be ordered to delete any problems and transfer what little still remains at that point…

But all of the above is just a theory, not fact… :confused:


We can check at least some of those assumptions - some Celebras characters were a bit busy some hours before the server murder started, writing mails and doing some auctions…


I had some placeholder on Celebras on a second account, all level 1, never logged in.
None of them arrived yet.

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I can ‘murder’ the alphabetic idea, mine were opposite alphabetics, and I have ‘easy’ characters in both ends of the alphabet, before and after those.
ID is more likely, but then not ‘game-age’ related as my character (nr. one to be transferred) was from some weeks ago and my son’s (nr. 2) was created back when Classic launched (and not played since somewhere in Classic not TBCC at all).

more theory … or more cases beeded :wink:

Arrived so far: one Celebrasian, one from ZT both with naming issues, both without mail or auctions, level 1 created recently , and level 14 created 2019.
I’ll keep updating as they arrive.

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