Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 10

Oh god, last thing Golemagg needed was more horde players :confused:

Means we can still try to save char names which were blocked by own alts.
I hope a friend will use it :see_no_evil:

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Yep, free transfers OFF HW are still open. And free transfers back are as well… That’s gonna be interesting.


Thank you!!! :heart:

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you killed low pop servers with this huge mistake. people are moving from patchwerk /mandokir/ Transcendence/mograine to hydraxian then they move to razorgore and from there they move wherever they want.
people are spamming in trade/lfg : patchwerk > hydraxian > razorgore > venoxis
why you didn’t close transfer off the hydraxian? now that you killed these low pop servers we need at least a real free transfer on them.


We’ve updated the original post to reflect that we’ve decided to keep Hydraxian Waterlords intact, and make it the preferred realm in this region for RP.


We will soon open Free Character Transfers from all other realms in the region to Hydraxian Waterlords, so that any players who now wish to move back to the realm may do so.

Um, would it not make more sense to alert these people who already moved on their accounts that they can move back because you made the mistake? What makes you think they will come back to this post?


This is all well and good, but please think about server balance - that is the main issue that is killing Classic WoW ; and also the reason why we have all these dead, and low pop servers.

There are third party websites that show pop numbers, surely you are aware of crazy imbalances like 99% Alliance 1% Horde and vice versa? Merge those together for 50%/50% and you’re good.

As for me, I’ve moved one char from the sheduled to be axed RPPVP realm to a PVP realm I know nothing about because there was no option to move it elsewhere, and I have one char on a PVP realm that sheduled to be axes that has no option to move at all.

The rest of my Classic chars are on HW and they are staying there, desipe people using the realm as a taxi service from sheduled to be axed realms to realms they otherwise can’t be moved to.

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You messed up big time again and ppl are on mass using a realm as a free transfer middle man from medium pop servers to high pop/full ones. can you just not merge servers and stop ruining servers with this transfer fiesta where everyone flocks to mega servers.


Actually, just merging servers would have been fine. If they had just actually merged some servers months ago, instead of this free transfer and closing servers mess, it would have been way less chaotic than our current situation.


I still don’t understand why server caps were lifted. If you have server caps then none of this mess ever happens.


The problem here is character names. If multiple people have the name “Screwface” for their undead warrior or whatever, one is awarded the name and the rest have the name with a bunch of random numbers and letters, and are told to rename their character on entry.

Even if the one that got the name doesn’t play any more.

A solution of course would be to either keep the old server name hyphen (which will not happen) or finally introduce surnames, and/or extend the amount of characters allowed in the name box and allow spaces into WoW to allows for multiple players having the given name (but of course this is even less likely to happen than the first option)

That said, I am all for THE ONE SERVER I idea. One RP realm, One RPPVP Realm, One PVP realm, and one PVE realm. Yeah, okay, so that’s 4 realms in total, but everyone can just move to their own preferred happy space and all is well. No low or high pop servers, no 100% one faction servers. Everyone picks their player style and has to deal with every other muppet with that same play style.

Who loses in this scenario? Loot goblins, coz A/H will be a full on warzone.

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Absolutely, names are a huge issue for many, but they are obviously not an issue for Blizzard, as they didn’t give us any solutions for this issue in their “consolidation”. I know a lot of people, who are absolutely angry and/or sad, because they lost their name(s). That’s because they are not actually merging servers here, like they kind of did with the connected realms in Era, they are just deleting a few and transfering the characters. Without any solution for names and guild banks, for the obvious readon that they just don’t give a damn about anything anymore.

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People NOT liking high-pop servers, maybe?

Blizzard - Earthshaker is listed as High Population but the population difference between Horde and Alliance is both staggering and also baffling. I’m not sure if you’re aware just how bad it is, there is currently right this second 40 players between level 1-50 online on the Horde and currently right this second 50 players between level 51-70, and this is peak time. I urge you to please go on to the Alliance side and type /who rogue 1-20…You will find 50-100…do the same for each class, now /who druid 30-50 and find 50-100, and so on, in almost every conceivable zone/region/area there are 50-100 or almost 50 of each and every class on the Alliance side, where as the horde will have 7 level 20-30s, 13 level 31-59 15 level 60-70s IN TOTAL…This isnt a moan, lots of world PVP but Blizzard you really need to have a look at Earthshaker, we are not talking 100 Horde and 500 Alliance, we are talking 1-100 Horde VS 5000 Alliance and that is NOT an exaggeration, go and look at server stats xD. LOCK THE ABILITY TO MAKE ALLIANCE ON EARTHSHAKER

The solution to the problem isnt to have an Alliance only server, its actually absurd that Blizzard has allowed Earthshaker to get to the state its in unchecked O.o its actually ridiculous we’re talking sometimes less than 100 horde vs 5000 of Alliance online…Blizzard need to lock the ability for any transfers to Earthshaker Alliance and also any character creation on the Alliance…loving the Wpvp but hating not getting groups for ANYTHING

They just don’t care about that. It has been proven time and time again. They haven’t done anything for any other PVP server this has happened to and they wob’t do anything for you.

It’s been 2 months and there are now 3 days before the moves happen.

Can you post the list, please?


I remember well around 2012 when Runetotem EU was absolutely full to the brim of great players whether English, Portugese, Italian and some fantastic guilds. Italian and Portugese Servers were opened, and overnight Runetotem was decimated from a high population to a low server.

Good it was for Italian and Portugese players, I have never forgiven Blizzard for this action having invested so much time in the 7 years of play then in game play and with great friendships. It is good to retire servers to move people together to create larger servers… but… decimating one fantastic server is completely unforgivable back then and still is… I love the game and I fear the same arising again… :frowning:

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With about two days to go, I think it’s about time to have these lists :wink:


Instead of letting us join our friends and existing characters on surviving realms, they’re gonna make us pay those 25 euros.

It’s pretty clear what their agenda is. :japanese_goblin: :coin:


Or you just use the current loop hole and transfer almost everywhere for free…