Guild Name: No need to explain, I hope..
Language: Native language or primary if you allow to use different in your guild.
Focus: PvP/PvE/RP.
Type: 10man/25man - Casual/Semi-Hardcore/Hardcore.
Website: Link to Your website.
Recruitment: Open/closed?. It may be your website direct link to recruitment or wowprogress link with actual recruitment status.
Contact: In game nicks to people in charge.
- Please, try to keep this topic as clean as it can be.
- Remember to fill all template info in your post.
- You can extend your Guild Info if you want. Then I will edit list with template info and link to your extended post here for more info.
- Recruitment will be updated once a week (weekends probably) based on your link or wowprogress status. Keep that in mind
- Only guilds that are listed here will be updated. I will not update every guild on our realm from wowprogress if they don't want to. And wanting to is posting in here.
- Due the very limitations of these forums I will only post a Guild Name, Faction, Focus and Recruitment with link to the post where more info can be found.
LAST UPDATE 26.02.2011
1 Like
Absynt Polish - Semi-Hardcore PvE 10/25m -
R - More at #14
Catharsis Polish - Semi-Hardcore PvE 10/25m -
R - More at #13
Choséns Turkish - Semi-Hardcore PvE 25m -
R - More at #19
Drama Theory Polish - Hardcore PvE 25m -
R - More at #6
Evilfish International - Casual -
R - More at #10
Exilium Polish - Casual 10m - More at #12
Fatum Polish - Semi Pve 25m -
R - More at #15
Illegal International - Pve 25m -
R - More at #22
Moira Turkish - More at #20
Valhalla Legion Swedish - Semi Pve 10/25m -
R - More at #8
1 Like
Koza z Piekla Polish - PvE -
R - More at #18
SignumPolish - Hardcore PvE 10/25m -
R - More at #11
TnTPolish - PvE/PvP 10/25m -
R - More at #7
Guild Name: Drama Theory
Faction: Alliance
Language: Polish
Focus: PvE with PvP section
Type: 25man - Hardcore.
Recruitment: Open
The most needed:
More detailed:
Contact: Qud, Lilija, Esperia, Riptale
Btw, I gues you might want to add faction in the template - might be easier with new guilds ;)
Faction: HORDE
Guild Name: | TnT |
Language: Polish
Focus: PvE/PvP
Type: 10man/25man
Temp forum:
Recruitment: Varies (check our site)
Contact: BLD, Darkist, Yossarian, Nie
Guild Name: Valhalla Legion
Language: Swedish
Focus: PvE and a little PvP
Type: 10man/25man - Semi-hardcore
Recruitment: Open
Contact: Thunderboy, Knax, Witt
Guild Name: Evilfish !!
Language: English / international
Focus: leveling and just being noobs
Type: casuals and newbies
Website: when i find out how to make one!
Recruitment: everyone is whalcome
Contact: me
1 Like
Wow, ALOT of Polish people seen playin lately..
Guild Name: Exilium
Faction: Alliance
Language: Polish
Focus: PvE and little PvP
Type: 10man Casual
Recruitment: Closed
Contact: Lavidaloca, Sardaar, Sillanah
Guild Name: Catharsis
Language: Polish
Focus: PvE with PvP section
Type: 10man/25man - Semi Hardcore
Recruitment: Open
Contact: Freeb, Marlice, Smerfny
Guild Name: Absynt
Language: Polish
Focus: PvE with PvP section
Type: 10man/25man - Semi Hardcore
Recruitment: Open (all class)
Contact: Dramekus, Aryon, Uapik, Castigar, Achaia
Guild Name: FATUM
Language: Polish
Faction : Alliance
Focus: Mainly PVE with some dedicated PVPers
Type: 25man - Semi Hardcore
Recruitment: Open (all but tanks)
Contact: Lyken, Sferio, Deinonych
Guild Name: Choséns (A)
Language: Turkish.
Focus: PvE.
Type: 25man - Semi-Hardcore.
Recruitment: Open.
Contact: Khrion, Grundfos, Flawléss.
Guild Name : Moira
Faction : Alliance
Language : Turkish