In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Burning Legion in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Shadowslayer, NE rogue. I used to play in LowKick. Looking for other LK members!
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Hey Shadowslayer
It`s been a while Iduakil NE Druid over here. LK for the win. We (my bro - Darkomen Dwarf Retardin Pala) and a few players form Lunatic Asylum are planning to return. DM me!
Hi, great to hear that LK and LA folks are returning 
Not sure if I can DM you since I don’t have an active WoW sub at the moment.
Here’s my battletag: Narwhal#2478 - add me on
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Marabu, Archmage of Dun Morogh, Slayer of dreams
Calling the boys from SPECIAL BUS / EXOSTRA / DISCIPLINE.
Pytteliten guild gnome warrior, was tank in the guild. also played Vidunder the human paladin. but for classic im switching sides! going to play Horde with the guild
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Metaphor - Human Mage - Guild name was Seven
We’ve moved from Burning legion to Magtheridon with the big migrate… like the other guilds ( nihilum , khadgar’s rage )
I actually wrote down here also the find out ppl from the first stage of vanilla =)
Most probably the people whose looking out the others moved to magtheridon aswell… but its better to write here also =)
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Eagles here . hope to find someone i know . human rouge
Hi! Creeman , Dwarf Rogue here. Used to play with Lowkick aswell. Seems like lots of rogues are coming back
Have you decided on realm yet?
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Woo, Creeman! I remember You, man
Yeah, Im probably gonna land on Shazzrah with some of my friends from work and (i hope) plenty of vanilla friends from LK/LA. Add me on if You want to play together.
Rolled a Gnome lock named Gnolick xD and was in Valhalla Legion, FoD, Doomed and some other lesser known guilds. Hope to see some other old peeps from that time 
Azverg NE rogue, did not move with the migration - Pandora Guild 
played a Human Pala named Evilfish
where are you Juice? you haven’t been online for 10 years : (
You were an absolute troll in the chat mate, never forgetti
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Hi, I’m casually playing Dwarf Priest now on Ashbringer.
In 2005-2006 I played as Tonyslav =_), dwarf healadin in Lunatic Asylum.
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OMG! EVILFISH!!! Noooooo!!! lol
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Anyone from “The Green Machine” about?
Ciao, it’s Adril here! Played as warlock in LowKick
Playing now classic on Shazzrah in Ally