Burst of Aggression Ravencrest (Alliance)

Burst of Aggression

BoA is a guild founded (in 2010) on old school WoW traditions of being a server based community, welcoming players of all PvP backgrounds who seek to develop their skills in a healthy non-toxic community setting. We believe passionately in the power of a guild community, now more than ever with how scarce good guilds have become in the revolving age of cross-realm servers and the diluted sense of community that comes with it. After all, this is a MMO based game. In BoA we’re building a strong culture, so that players can look forward to logging on everyday to play with friends, learn something new & enjoy their gaming experience.

Our main focus as a guild is everything that is PvP.
:small_orange_diamond:Rated Battlegrounds, (Tuesday and Thursdays 8pm) (ALT RUN Sundays)
:small_orange_diamond:World PvP

Burst of Aggression always has and always will dictate the final outcome of PvP!!


Hey, still looking for players? I am interested: pazinunk#2294


Sorry for the late reply, yes we are still looking especially with new season and new game coming :slight_smile: I have added you to Bnet. I’ll message you there :smiley:

keen to know some more myself if you can add me too HoogOrigins#2108

Im also interested to join! FoxtrotFour#2556

Hey, add me in game Nymus#1262

If youre still looking
(Sub Rogue pvp ilvl 292, Unholy DK pvp ilvl 289)

Hey, i’m keen to more as well add me on Alex#235293

Interestd in joining, can talk more on bnet.