Butchery Changes

Currently Survival AoE revoles around reducing cooldown of Wildfire Bomb as it is your main AoE tool. It is the specs signature ability (for me at least) and its fun to play around it.

With the changes to ruthless marauder to grant more Tip Of the Spear (which we already get quite good and thus is not that great) instead of reducing wildfire bomb we already loose one tool to reduce Wildfire Bombs cooldown.

Now with the butchery changes making it have 6 seconds longer cooldown and no charges it will reduce the amount of bombs we can use by a lot. I don’t really see why this is being done as currently survival feels fun and fluid to play. This change will make us press raptor strike more often in aoe (which… as a single target ability… feels bad imo).
We already use Kill Command, which outside of Exposed Flank, also only deals single target damage. Having to use 2 pure single target abilities during AoE feels bad.

I can understand making Butchery hit harder and think it is a good idea but please do not make it at the cost of much less Wildfire Bombs.

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Im personally really sad to see the idea of cleaving mongoose bite gone. I understand the changes being made to butchery and can see how it will play really well, same with fote and marauder, but as op said, this will mean more casts of mb/rs (wich im not against at all) in aoe. But at that point why not give us another way to make them cleave? I loved the idea and hope it wont be totally scrapped.

I think this has potential. The AoE rotation was quite spammy to the point it was hard to even make use of the cleaving raptor strike talent due to GCD/Focus because it was usually better to just spam bombs+butchery at any time you could, at least for 5+ targets. Partially due to serpent sting being a bit anemic so spreading it isn’t the big payoff one would think it is.

The new bleed on butchery is certainly suitably large to make up for not being able to cast these AoE spells as much and I do believe between all the other spells the rotation will be fine. Maybe you get to spread serpent sting now (maybe just change that talent it’s pretty bad).

I hear the dot currently doesn’t pandemic, can’t crit and is unaffected by haste which makes me a bit concerned about it’s scaling and quality of live. Make it pandemic at least.

I think there will also need to be another small talent change because this change will undoubtedly make butchery part of the single target rotation. You just can’t pass up what is by far the biggest DoT and most damaging ability in our arsenal now. But having to invest theses two extra talent points will be a pain. Time to make all the 2 point talents before the captstone abilities into 1 point talents.

Ok played around with it on PTR a bit more… feels really bad compared to live… i really hope they revert this change as it makes aoe a lot more boring and takes away the fun of the class. I don’t really care about the numeric balance but fun wise this is way worse.

I really hope this change to butchery (and even to the talent above eagle strike) does not make it to live as it’s just a worse version of how survival plays right now. I believe Survival is in an overall amazing state on the live server and does not need any changes outside of making Packmaster better/more interactive.

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I’m just shocked after reading the same topic on NA forums and class discord with all the odes of praise about the changes. These changes ruined a fun factor - bomb-butchery loop and gave a furry warrior like playstyle. All that situation reminds me DF S4 tier set polling where community made the worst choice possible and wear S3 gear until pre-patch. I don’t expect blizz will fix Sentinel issues caused by changes so we pushed to talent Pack Leader which is garbage for M+ (literally our niche in a group pve)

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