Button Bloat

I really feel shaman is close to being if not the most bloated class in the game. I can’t imagine how new players feel playing this class. However I am struggling to find a macro for Totemic projection and surging totem to basically be the same button. So why don’t they rework totemic projection to be a passive talent or even choice noded. To be every x amount of seconds you will gain the buff “totemic projection” which means when you cast a totem lets say Earthen wall totem, it will still highlight the spell allowing you to recast it to relocate it and consuming the passive buff of “totemic projection” and then it puts it on an X amount of seconds cd. This won’t fix the bloating issues but it will certainly help. You could also build thunderstorm into capacitor totem. 2 ideas 1 being that when you cast capacitor totem the electrical energies released from it charge you replacing the spell with thunderstorm until it’s cd is reset. obviously if capacitor totem becomes off cd then thunderstorm disappears and it’s just back to capacitor totem again. 2nd idea would be rather than charging you the totem remains dormant and you can recast it again to cast “thunderstorm” on the totem destroying the totem in the process. Likewise after casting capacitor totem the spell now becomes “thunderstorm” but will disappear if the cd of capacitor totem has reset.

That’s pretty easy. Since totemic projection is not on the GCD, you can macro it to any ability and it will cast it together with it.
Most of high end players, were macroing it to Stormstrike during DF to have their WFT “automatically” follow them every 10 seconds.
said macro:

#showtooltip Stormstrike
/cast Stormstrike
/cast [@player] Totemic Projection

Now if you want it to use the same keybind for the same abilities in the same order, this is also possible.

I was doing this with castsequence macro for echoes of the great sundering for elemental, where it continued to cast earth shock and earthquake interchangeably.
To do this you can do:

/castsequence [@cursor,nochanneling] reset=25 Elemental Blast, Earthquake

What this macro do is cast Elemental Blast the first time, and EQ (on the cursor) the second time. If it is not pressed a second time within 25 seconds (the reset part), it returns to Elemental Blast.

So in your case you can make the macro:

/castsequence [@cursor,nochanneling] reset=20 Surging Totem, Totemic Projection

This will use Surging Totem the first time at the cursor (you can change it by changing the “@cursor” part to “@player” in order to cast it at your location). If pressed again within 20 seconds, it will cast totemic projection, and return to surging totem.

The same can be done with capacitor totem and thunderstorm, where it will use thunderstorm just after capacitor totem.

/castsequence [@player] reset=45 Capacitor Totem, Thunderstorm


Well that macro is going to be a massive help. Thank you very much!

No worries at all!

It might need to get abit time to get used to how it works (the reset=X works since last step successfully executed), but at the end of the day it worked well for me and in some cases it can for sure save you keybinds.

If you have any problems with implementation feel free to reach out!

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I dream of the day when Enhancement will be pressing Storm Strike and Lava Lash for main single target damage with occasional Elemental Blast and Crash Lightning, Storm Strike and Lava Lash for aoe. Not this storm strike, lava lash, crash lightning, flame shock, lightning bolt, lava burst, chain lightning, doom winds, primordial wave, feral spirit, sundering, fire nova, frost shock, ice strike, fire elemental mess of a rotation enha has now.


I am confirming that Enh Shaman has way more buttons, than needed for fun and comfortable gameplay.

Yes, you can reduce buttons by using macro, but it’s should not be the case.

That button bloat clown should be redesigned with twice reduced number of active spells.

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