Buyer beware - Celestial Observer Store Mog

It seems the Celestial Observer store transmog is currently glitched.

  1. If you buy the store mog you have a chance to not receive the item or have it listed among your transmog sets.

  2. Then if you do receive the item and apply it then log out and log in with another character close WoW down, re-open WoW and then log in with the first character, the Celestial Observer appearance is automatically removed. All your gear items are reset as if you have not transmoged them at all. It then costs you 510 gold to re-apply the look only to have it reset again. It has cost me over 2.5K gold to test this out.

Now this is store stuff. This is the one thing that they absolutely had to get right because this is extra revenue for Blizzard and they managed to fish it up.

I guess after getting rid of all the “offensive” developers they went ahead and appointed a bunch of ex-Amazon devs that worked on “New World”. Great job Blizz. I returned after a few months away due to other issues I had with the game and this is the welcome back.

Hey Mike Jabbara maybe a little less Mythic+ and a little more Managing+


Yeah it’s a bug, and unfortunately whether it’s for paid content or free, bugs are unpredictable.

At least take comfort in the fact that as it’s a $$$ product, it’s likely to get fixed as a priority.

You don’t wanna wear that ol’ garbo though anyway, go get your mage tower mog, I’m finally off for Christmas in 2 days so I am gonna get mine :smiley:

Yeah sadly store/promotion mog has a problem that it inconsistently disappears. I don’t have the observer mog but I have the older store mogs and it happens with them too.

Unpredictable?? With a QA division and a PTR (where they even put up storyline content and completely spoil the story for anyone without access).

They have similar issues with the Murlog set as well. So they did not even do a decent test on store stuff before releasing it.

It’s also not like transmog is a new feature in WoW. Whether I hit renown X or pay 20 euros to unlock an appearance set there should not be any difference. Why does the renown one work but the pay one is glitched?

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I work in game development, so you’d be amazed how commonly we see “BUT YOU HAVE QA WHY BUG”

Bugs that go live are bugs that were not found or couldn’t be reproduced.

As to why store content is broken, I would guess (though I’m not a web developer so can’t say for certain) that it’s to do with the digital distribution. It probably does checks every time you try to use the mog and it’s saying you aren’t entitled to it (the bug) which is what causes the problem.

I hope it’s fixed for you soon, I don’t own it myself, I have the murloc backpack from the sub (I think).

Sadly its a known issue with several of the store mogs/promition mogs. I just had to stop using items from the recruit a friend mogset cause it kept disappearing. Been like that for ages.


Yep, this can even happen whilst you are logged off.

A couple of times I have logged in and found my Transmog has been reset.

The worst part is that you have pay to put the transmog back on… that can be over 700g on some toons, which is ridiculous.



I hope this bug gets fixed asap and you don’t lose any more gold.

Also: I don’t think QA works the way you think it does.


They are aware of it

Murloc mog gone from tab? - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (


Celestial Observer set dissapeared - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

You have even posted in the thread.

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I am also a developer and as for reproducing the issue it too me just over 2.5K gold to consistently reproduce the issue. I guess QA need to try a little harder. I mentioned the steps in my previous post. My guess is because the Celestial Observer set is not tied to a specific armor type and is available over all armor types the game checks compatibility with the first armor type and if the check fails the game resets the transmog updates to the armor items.

People get affected by a dark and powerful magic when buying theese things, beware, this is just the beginning!

I didnt buy it but I have the flaming crown (store tmog that got removed) from some years ago and it happens all the time. Having a random head instead of this mog is so frustrating.

And be like:

Yeah, no thanks. Tower transmog is

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