Buying 3s boost

How about a “Noone invites me to RANDOM BGS !!!” ragethread then, doesn’t sound bad, fits your standarts :smirk:

Please just dont ask for legion or bfa pvp scaling please, if you really want pvp scaling it should be like Wod.

Right now pvp gear is bis for pvp, pve gear is bis for pve that is very big improvement.

While yes rating gear upgrades have big problems it is still better than bfa or legion crap gearing system and at least it incentives people to play the game.

I will pick this system over Legion or BFA any time, but probably best times were during wod.

Also bring back unique pvp elite sets seperate pvp and pve transmog once again and seperate them for classes aswell this way you incentivize pvp too.

we’ve seen this in wod where 100k accounts were banned for using honorbuddy after half year.
Normally what you say would apply here, but in Blizzard’s case sadly it does not work like that.

Why not just bring legion templates then? Was so much better no worry about right stats etc, you could just play in random world quest gear.

I was exactly that random world quest geared random bg spammer player during legion and despite that was in my favour balance wise it was SO boring if I see the word template on patchnotes it would make me instaquit. I don’t wanna fall asleep during fights.

just make battleground is faster get rival 220 stuff man

In my opinion with a system when rating=gear ilevel but problem with arenas is mmr and how fast you get rating

when you play on you alt at 1,4 cr and play 5 games win 3 lose 2 and end up with -cr there is something wrong with the system

Yesterday on my alt who is 1,4 cr got like + 8 -14+8+9-15, like wtf ?

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