Buying 3s boost

Just so my resto can finally get 1.8 and upgrade gear after 700+ games.

I’m just noticing that it’s more stressful than enjoyable this season.

I’m hardstuck at 1500.

#jaffer_cake2069 is my discord. lets talk businessssss


Can’t even blame you.
Trying to climb on this alt is a nightmare.
Every 1500 game is against gladiators, 37k HP ret paladins who got 2100 in RBG but still can’t break out of 1500 in arena with their broken gear and spec, and who just PvE the healer down.
Very frustrating. But I’ll just arm myself with patience.

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Scraped 1800 tonight in 2v2 and it wasent very enjoyable at all. As someone who only plays healers and nornally dwindles between 1800-1900 every season in 2s i really didnt enjoy this one. Way too much gibbing/cheesing silly spells like convoke and divine toll. The gear gaps are a really big problem too so i have no intentions of playing any alts in rated pvp this season. Hope you find sometbing that works and you manage to get there in the end. Best of luck :+1:

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You can get elite set in 2s too by the way, so that’s something to keep in mind! Both if you’d maybe feel more comfortable with 2s, or if the boosts in 2s are cheaper because you’re paying one person instead of two.

I could hit 1.8k easily at the begin of the season now my alts are stuck at 1.3k and nobody wants to play with an ilvl 200 player on 1.3k since thats being pretty much naked.


Welcome to my world. I’ve decided to not give a damn anymore and queue with a new friend and not worry about rating anymore. That should keep me sane for a bit.


If you aren’t a Kyrian/nf with a nf mage, prepare to use your cds and then just get one tapped lmao, that’s been my experience. Paladin turns around and whams me for 60k, or mage combusts and hits me for 20k before I can cloak and I just get pounded by the melee

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you guys remember just recently how everyone was against pvp scaling? ^^

It will take
Some time, but im positive we will get scaling in season 2.

That will help the ladder fix a bit and also we could play more alts, having more fun.

Try to play to improve even in this chaotic season, and dont play every session woth rating in mind.

It will take the pressure of you and actualy can help to improve ratings.


That was terrible design. But the current rating=gear system while every ilvl increases your power exponentially doesn’t work either.


it does not mean that scaling is bad. it means that the implementation of the concept of scaling that we had back then was bad, which is very different.

an automatic ilvl cap effective ilvl = min(player ilvl, bracket reward max ilvl) by bracket determined by the MMR of the match seems like a good enough idea. this way if you try to carry someone and the match MMR is in the 1400-1599 bracket with an ilvl of 226, you will be capped to 207 for the match. if you have lower gear than 207, nothing changes for you.

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Yeah I agree, nerf Demon Hunters.

I mean… if you buy a boost, then you’re part of the problem of why theres a billion low rated glads “boosting” at low mmr :slight_smile:

edit: wait sorry its not “boosting” its them “coaching people” who leave with as much knowledge as they entered with.


Also why doesn’t Blizzard lower the cost of conquest gear/upgrades already for alts’s sake? Imagine going BGs or skirmishes in 160 ilvl gear vs overgeared gladiators. At the beginning of the xpac it was fine, cause no one had such a massive advantage, but now? How can you have a shred of fun in such environment? It was so nice to level my alt to 60 but then I hit a wall and lost all appetite. Season is practically over, do something Blizzard for the love of god.

From some point of view yes, you are makimg problem worse if you let others boost you too. But from other pov you are part of the solution. If few people abuse something, lets say bug for example it takes ages before it’s looked into and fixed. When everybody starts to abuse it and problem grows big then its fixed faster.

This is a horrible idea. You can’t just keep switching around the power of people’s characters based on if they lose or gain a bit of rating all the time. Imagine going back and forth around the bracket thresholds.

Things like if you’re in 207 ilvl you have to trinket RM opener, if you’re in 213 you don’t (etc).

Abilities don’t scale the same in this game, nor do they scale linearly at all.

I am still against it and not only me.

Now regarding the OP, he is nightfae meme druid, which is only viable for 2v2 and that viability is maximum 2100-2300 rating, there are probably a few 2400+ fae restos the rest are necro. What is worse is he is talking about 3v3 climb not even 2v2 as a meme player.

People must pick proper covenants before complaining. I was Kyrian, I got slapped by 10 iq Venthyr warriors…started to lose mirrors constantly despite playing better, then changed my covenant and now winning most mirrors like 80%-90% .

He is playing Fae, if he was Necro and a not-bad player he could get 1800 without too much struggle. I used 3v3 for conquest farm and renown farm on this warrior and sitting at 1860 without any serious play, I’m sure he can climb there too but first he needs to give up on his meme covenant or just play 2v2.

Like find a mage, cyclone enemy healer after a bash, tell him to use Combust, easy.


I Picked Venthyr for aggressive go’s as holy but seeing all this Kyrian talk maybe I should swap haha.

I don’t think that aggressive play will be like what you imagine, so yeah you better swap before it is too late, so that you won’t have to complain like this druid a few weeks later :smirk:

Hah fat chance of that.

I don’t play enough to complain brother!

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