Buying Wow token without subscription

Hello ,

I added 20€ in battlenet balance and would like to buy a wow token in order to get a 1Month subscription.

When i try to buy it on the store it tells me i have to buy it in game but when i try to log in game i get a message telling me to subscribe.

How can i access the ingame shop in order to subscribe ?
( Wanted to do it on Wrath )

May be try to create new character on retail?

If you want to buy a token to redeem for game time then you have to buy it with gold. If you buy a token with money you can only trade it for gold.

If you want to directly pay for game time you need to either subscribe (can’t be bought with balance) or buy game time (only option is 60 days)

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As i remember on retail you have to wait for 30 days, with a existing sub, until you can buy tokens on new accounts.

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