BWL difficulty level - worst system ever designed

He is just trying to be a fan boy. He would defend anything and argue against anyone for any reason to receive some attention. In reality he is aware that this system is flawed. It would not be shocking to find out he is not even playing SoD, but rather just spams those forums because he dislikes it and wants it to fail.

Can’t wait to see all the “Oh, the season ended” and “oh, i didn’t expect to lose my char” and other rant threads. :rofl:

“The awakening” (of the naive). :rofl:

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Let me guess, you are not playing it, so it doesn’t affect you, but you are here to trashtalk it and defend any issues the game has or any means for it to fail, just like the guy you are quoting. Explains it, thank you though for keeping my thread bumped.

“The Awakening” leak 2.0 :wink:

First of all i like this new thing whit trials.
Second thing is that most of the time this hapends its people whit different addons that makes you easier to take and turn in quests. If you have a adon like that you and want to bye a item your addon will mess it up.
So its often people who are using addons who is to blame.

Sounds to me, from the Opening Post, that the system isn’t the issue but a room temp and/or griefer team mate.
Literally a skill or griefer issue.
Play with a guild to remove griefer issue and git gud to alleviate the skill issue. Getting gud can also mean helping and explaining your fellow teamplayers stuff that they are too lazy to search for online.

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Issue is the flawed system. Issue is people trolling on purpose, issue is people like you defending it because is hard to agree that it should have only been made in a way that only the Raid Leader could turn in on/off. Wonder if you would tell people to git gud if they allowed anyone to change from Master Looter to Free for All at any point (even in combat during boss encounter) and not give any notification. I am sure no one would ever abuse that in guild runs either because guilds got no trolls or people that would seek to make you suffer for the giggles.

Good point, playing with randoms can lead to a s*** show.
We know this from dungeon finder or LFR in other versions of WoW, looking for anyone without filtering players will always result in unreliable garbage groups. However, the game should do it’s best to prevent certain scenarios.

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It makes sense, if it didn’t happen to you, is not an issue.

i dont know, i like it ALOT more than the trash we got in P4 :stuck_out_tongue:

The system is decent, the issue is allowing anyone, at any time to change it.

While i agree that they should change it so only RL can enable/disable trials, being this dramatic is kinda pathetic.

Calm down son, just say its bad cuz it is, no need be so dramatic even if you are salty the raid lost alot of items. I don’t think its that hard to believe that its within realm of possibility that they overlooked that some people might be dumb to accidently or on purpose grief the raid.

Misleading title as well, difficulty system is great except that people other than RL can turn on/off trials thats it.

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Hey. Dramatic and pathetic are the words that describe me best, why are you trying to change who I am, and who gives you that right ? Rude to try and dictate how I should act.

P.S : Thanks for the bump, hope not too many people will read the dramatic topic and not many will know they can abuse it, or choose to ruin raids because of it. We risk getting it fixed if that happens.

99% of people already know they can turn on and off trials they just don’t do it. Its rare to find a demon that you encountered.

I was just stating facts, didn’t really ask you if you agree or not agree nor does it matter nor am i interested in you personally, i am here to help get this fixed and hopefully some blizzard employee will look at it more seriously if they ignore your dramatic behaviour, so im here to help, your welcome.

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Hey, at least they’ve fixed it so “The Blackwing Lair Trials can no longer be disabled once Nefarian has been defeated.” We are getting somewhere.