Bye Felicia 8/10HC Looking for Healers and Dps


We are Bye Felicia 4/10 Heroic SoD (Edit : We are now 5/10 Heroic :slight_smile: scratch that - now 8/10 heroic - and bang 9/10hc!!)
We are looking for a few more people to add to our wonderful raid team. We are looking for Healers and DPS (DPS with up to date heal OS Will be amazing!)

Friday 21:30 ST till 00:00 ST (Heroic)
Saturday 21:30 ST till 00:00 ST (Heroic)

We have a core raid team of between 10 - 15 people and we raid with a 10 min break half way through.

This is not a place for people with an elitist attitude!! We do expect you to expect wipes and expect you to learn from mistakes that you make on progress. As much as we are chill no one likes too be stuck on a boss for multiple days because of the same mistakes being made over and over.

We are also welcoming to socials who may want to venture into raiding or just want to chill out in discord and talk rubbish for a good few hours!

We also get that RL and family are a priority - we are flexible with just about everything and if you can only raid for one day of the week, thats fine - most of us have kids and families also and we get that people have life outside of wow!

To talk about a raid spot Please DM Metagross#7016 - Discord or Spanner#2299 - battle net (Don’t check my personal progress I cant stand SL but I enjoy RL from discord stream) :stuck_out_tongue:

To join please message anyone in the guild who will direct an invite your way!
Our officers are Máviss, Taíya, Vagrasis, Cowmccow, Seraphine, Briarfern, Metagross - feel free to drop any of them a whisper for an invite too.

We also have a lil bunch of FFXIV fanbois /D3 and will be looking at lost ark if thats your thing!

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