Bypass movement restrictions in Torghast using accessibility settings


Sounds like a bug if u ask me, u shoud not be able to move backwards if u pick that power.

It’s likely a bug, but even if not, not being able to move backwards is more or less bearable. In that case, hopefully gets corrected.

On the other hand, offsetting no jumps from Elethium Weights is difficult unless you are a class with targeted movement abilities or Venthyr :thinking:

I agree it’s probably some oversight on Blizzards part but I’m amazed it’s taken so long to be noticed.

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Again a blue linking bug abuse, kinda bad from u.

Just saying u shoud delete this.

I know im colourblind, but where are you seeing blue?

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Green is the new blue.


Probably because able players dont use these functions and less able players dont need to be restricted. Maybe its not even a bug, but if it is… I would advocate for not changing it.


It probably won’t be changed as I don’t think they’d risk messing up an accessibility control everywhere just to “fix” it in Torghast.



It’s possible it’s working as intended as part of the accessiblity controls or it could be an oversight but I don’t know which.

I don’t think you really gain any big advantage considering you’d have to click on screen to move in the direction that isn’t permitted.


it is a good thing that geniuses like you and me are here to shed a light on the wrongdoings of the big corporations and their underlings. only when people dare to speak out against them can the grand conspiracies be taken down

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I am not a genius, just saying :smiley:

Is it any good though?

Imagine being so fond of back-pedalling that you’re willing to click as well to achieve it. :rofl:

This is one of those bugs which might be on the internal bug reports board at Blizzard and about which not a soul cares. I mean fixing it means putting in some CPU cycles to turn it off and that’s not even worth it. :rofl:

How long has it been? 18 months? Before someone noticed? Sums it up really.

It doesn’t even seem a practical work around, to have to click on a screen to go back

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Not much of anything is gained, plus, it’s for disabled players, so what I find interesting is why that person would bring this up.

The game is made easier (more accessible) for disabled players, what’s so interesting?

This doesn’t require attention.

Disability features are about different ways of presenting information or sending commands, not circumventing game mechanics.

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So it’s being made easier for them?


Disability features

Absolutely not semantics. There is a critical distinction, and it has already been explained. I cannot explain it beyond saying it’s the difference between changing the layout of input buttons and effectively removing a gameplay mechanic. If that doesn’t work for you, there is nothing more to talk about.

Yeah, Semantics.

It’s being made easier for them.