Cache of storm keeps giving 350 green items instead of veteran gear

Title. Fix when? Trying to gear alts and keep getting 350 green items instead of 480+ veterans. Also can we get the items scaled up in our inventory if we kept the green versions? Should be 480’s ffs.

It would not bother me if it was random but the cache specifically says “Contains a random piece of Veteran gear, gold, and equipment upgrade materials.” Why the 350 greens then.


I got 398 greens from them, that’s really disappointing.

Even world quests with items are the same.


Most liekly because your alt is fresh max level ? And some rewards scale with your overall itlv liek in whole DF ?

alts were like 455 and they are not fresh.

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i was getting 480 and even champion gear from some caches, dunno which tho lol

if you have an alt try again now. It was either stealth nerfed or just somehow bugged.

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I got this on my 4 alts so far, as recently as 30 mins ago?

you are either talking about completely different things or playing in another region or someting. I just opened 3x cache of storm 1 hour ago on 460 ilvl alt that says in the discription that the box contains veteran gear and it gave me 3x 350.

AnOtHeR ReGiOn
I write on eu forums, and have chars on eu servers. do you think I’m from taiwan? just done siege and feast - got two 480 wrists that are trash anyway cuz i have embellishment there.

NoBoDy Is TalKinGaBoUt YoUr FeAsT CaChE oR DrAGoNbAnE CaChE. It is the cahce of storm that matters.

And yes a bunch of people from USA actually type on the EU forums.

But for the record one of my alt received a 350 green from grand hunt box as well. Just look up cache of storm on wowhead and read the comments.

just done it there now and got a 398 trinket from cache of storms doing dragonsbane keep, disappointed, i won’t be trying any alts until its fixed

but where do u think that gear drops from? the thing is named “cache of storms” and is contained in the feast/siege box???

Well the siege/hunt/feast box says nothing so it would not be too hard to believe that the drop ilvl can flactuate but the cache of storm states that you get a veteran gear which is 480 at least.

I’m not too concerned that much my main will get geared pretty quickly I just wanted to kill some time and gear up alts a bit but now just won’t waste time on this if the reward is not consistent.

It also happend to me, with dreambound gear tokens, i have gotten a 460 blue ring but now only 350 greens… from siege i got 480 epic, but then from the weekly quest where u participate in each event i got a 350 green, instead of the “champion” gear reward. I think all gear drops are currently bugged and drops mostly greens, but can sometimes drop higher tiers

That’s weird. It worked perfectly yesterday morning. How has it managed to break already? How is S4 so buggy?! No gearing alts for me then!

Not happening for me, have always gotten 480+ rewards. On my 5th alt now.

Same experience here, no issues on first character doing the weekly events, but 2nd and 3rd character got 350 ilvl loot and a dud cache that gave no gear at all :frowning:

Happened to me aswell. Even the Cache of awakened storms for the big weekly Quest (doing the feast, the hunt and the Dragonbane) only rewarded one 350er Item for my 488 pala. It should also reward a splintered spark of awakened but didn’t for me. Wowhead comments for the Cache of storms and Cache of awakened storms are also talking about this Bug.
With my first char it worked perfectly fine


Apologies for the delay in a reply, it’s very busy at the moment but we’re working hard on getting that back to normal as soon as possible!

There was a known issue with the newest Season 4 gear and awards being applied correctly, this was widely reported to the developers by players using the in-game bug tool and the forums.

A hotfix has been applied for those players that were affected within a certain timeframe, a replacement cache was sent directly to the characters involved.

This was done by the developer teams and a post was added about it here:

For any other affected caches the GM team cannot offer or provide a workaround from our end. That includes enableing Catalyst upgrades, replacement items, or entirely new gear, nor can we start any progression quests or trackers on request.

I know you’d wanted another answer on this, but it is the full and honest one and I thank you for taking the time to read it, even if you might disagree with it.

If you find a new issue, please report it as a bug inside the game with a bug report which will send information about the effected character, or you can also post to the bug reporting forums anytime with any information you have.

I wish you all the very best with your gaming in the future!

the response i got to the ticket on this matter… basically get over it tough luck we will not do anything as this happened on alt that completed the quest 2 hours after main

This expansion has taught me not to play new stuff on release :skull: