Call of the Damned [DK Event]

Somewhere, a dwarf paladin named Morvuk is probably having a chill in his back. Somehow, the Light must be irritated that its defilers are mocking its practices.

Event details :
Date : 4th of June starting 20h-20h30 Server Time
Location : Death Breach - Eastern Plaguelands

After a quick discussion on the DK discord that happened a week ago, we decided it’d be nice to try to have our own call, akin to the one the paladins have. Except ours wouldn’t be about pretending to be nice guys. We’re gonna try and see how it goes and try to continue it should it prove fun and successful. The difference being that unlike the Silver Hand, our call would be a patchwork of Death Knights of various interests and affiliations. Therefore, we will have to focus on what binds us together.

Subjects to be discussed :

General information :
This event is open to Ebon/Scourge Knights alike due to their pact in Legion. Totally Alliance/Horde aligned Death Knights can be welcome as well, as long as their goal does not conflict with the interests of the damned. Necromancers aligned with the Ebons/Scourge are also allowed to come. For now, we will avoid inviting living.
If you are not one of those described people, it is better to ask ahead before coming. Indeed, there is very little chance that you’d learn about this meeting if you are living or be a forsaken that prides itself on being freed from the Scourge.

Thanks for reading me and hoping to see you there.
This thread is open to questions and suggestions.


This looks hella cool&good don’t forget to bring a few punching bags in case the DKs get hungry.

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This sounds amazing! I wish I had a DK to partake. Best of luck!

AGAIN?! Don’t they have anything better to do?

It’s a matter of national security.

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Living willing to roleplay as snacks for us to sate our Hunger are of course welcome to join !
Or else we’ll have to feed on Herald. It’d be a shame.

I will most definitely be attending. This is an excellent chance to socialize for us of the Undead persuasion.

Like I told you back in Acherus; Ghoul nachos and Unholy pie!


It was about godamn time we do something ,its liek party people coming to our disco and us not allow to dance with them…time to dance…

The punch is actual blood.
The band is a bunch of skeletons.

There better be a spoopy skele-band.

I hope so. I’d hate to spam Army of the Dead and have the ghouls do the Thriller dance again just to give the impression the place is full.


I’m going to show up.
So I can spite you all.


We can sit at a corner and scoff at the youngsters, you and I.

Hello there!
Very nice initiative, can be very fun, although less likely I’d show up for it myself, but still i wish everyone would have fun! :heart:

Ashes to ashes.

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I’ll be there. It’s been a while since I last did DK RP, so this is a welcome sight.

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Can we sacrifice a Paladin during the opening ceremony? No? How about a Priest? No? I know! A Lightforged Draenei! Yes yes they explode when they die but the slight sting of a Light boom is worth the look on it’s face.

I’ll gladly be there, so will be a few of my Ebon guild members. Lovely~

You aren’t thinking big enough, Sylmarien. Why sacrifice one when we can sacrifice a dozen? grins

Light, void, nature…They all tremble before the inevitability of death…

Of course, that doesn’t apply to those who were born of death, like us. grins

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