Call of the Elder Druid not triggered in cat form?

Our new talent, Call of the Elder Druid, does NOT trigger HotW when just switching into cat form and hitting rake/shred. You basically HAVE to utilise fluid form in the other druid tree to make use of this talent.

Only if you run up to the mob outside of cat form, then press rake/shred (with fluid form), will you actually gain HotW for ten seconds. What does NOT work is shifting into cat, then running up to the mob and rake/shred.

If this is intended (hope not, since it feel very clunky and unintuitive when reading the talent text, please consider some changes.

If it IS intended, you are forced into fluid form usage in the druid tree to use 2-3 talents in the resto druid. Again feels like either a bug or just something you need to change. Not fun at all and you have to put even more buttons on an already bloated bar.

Just tested it and HotW gets activated while swapping in Catform while in combat (not outside of combat).
While if feels clunky I would have actually liked your bug since I go into Catform quite frequently for non dps reasons (mainly movement speed) and not having it proc HotW in those situation would be a nice benefit and wouldn’t restrict using Catform that much.

I see, thanks for pointing that out, does it work without having fluid form too? In combat that is.

I would rather it triggered from raking/shredding (also after switching into cat form) I guess. Usually I switch to cat to run in closer, so that is a lot of time lost if hotw is ticking down while moving in.

Edit: Can confirm it works without fluid form when IN COMBAT.

worked with and without Fluid Form, as long as you are in Combat.
It being activated by Rake and Shred is what I meant, might have been misleading. It should proc from both Fluid Form and from normal Rakes/Shreds.

I see, thanks.

I guess the thing that does not work is running into a fight in cat form, then getting into combat, then pressing shred/rake. You would have to shift out and back in for that.

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