Call of The Lock Warden <Aldori al Khali>

This World ,our home has endured, nay suffered at the hands of those who thought they knew better. Blind in their certainty that they could control the power of demons and gods, they dammed near ended us all.
Such power must be denied to the fool, the curious and the power hungry.

We call on you of strong mind and heart to seek out the ancient and forgotten, to explore those dark and terrible places for artefacts too dangerous to be anywhere but in our care

Members of our society will when deemed prepared be sent forth on quests of discovery understanding and retrieving to add to our growing repository"

Greetings AD , here we are again.
After landing on Dorn in every sense of the word and some harder than others the Aldori have lost a few within their ranks .
We are yet again looking for those interested in containing the horrors of the world.

(OOC Part)

((TLDR Version))
The guild is a cross between The Adventurer’s League and the SCP Foundation

Who are The Al Khali:

In short we are a group of Draenei working as a branch of The Aldor whose mandate it is to retrieve lost and stolen Artefacts.
When the need is great The Khali are also called upon to contain the dangerous beasts roaming around Azeroth.

Wholly unholy.
Though most Draenei guilds are centred around the faith and loving the light, this guild revolves around getting the job done.
It accepts all sorts of Draenei from the fallen to undead.It’s about getting the job done and The Lock Warden does not discriminate.

Other activities:

The guild maintains a cookie stall at markets where it raises spirits and funds for Dalaran relief.

Mining and operations:
For the moment funds but mainly Ores from this operation are being sent to aid with the construction of the new Draenei City
(humans may enter here it is still being decided / debated on,bit of a grey area from that Gilneas campaign.)

Trade and mini fleet.
The group has a few vessels under their command maritime adventures / fishing trips take place.

So get in touch if you want to get some more info

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Bump We are going to have a great festival this year.

Draenei AD Server:

Goat power

Still Selling cookies due to guild vote.

So we need merchants / sales reps to add to ranks too.
Not to mention all the other jobs.