I wanted to make this thread to discuss the 30% call to arms buff for warmode on Role playing realms. I don’t want to discuss the buff in itself and whether it works or not to balance warmode on normal realms but it is clear as day that is implemented wrong for RP realms and it is having a perverse effect on the balance of warmode on those realms.
So first of all it is important to understand that warmode on RP realms doesn’t work in the same way as on normal realms. On normal realms all servers get sharded with other normal realms. Whilst RP realms only get sharded with other RP realms. So they are completley seperate. A player on a normal server who turns on warmode will never get placed in the same shard as a player on a RP realm that puts on warmode. This is crucial to understand.
On normal servers warmode has been imbalanced in favor of the Horde since the start of BFA. I have played on several servers, both as Alliance and as Horde and it is simply true. So to resolve this Blizzard implemented the calls to arms buff for warmode with the idea to balance warmode. It gives a 30% buff to xp, gold, azerite and resources to the OUTNUMBERED FACTION with the idea that more players of that faction will turn it on and hence it will balance warmode. If both factions are balanced in warmode neither get the 30% buff.
Now on RP realms Horde haven’t been outnumbering Alliance, in fact it has been the other way around since the start of BFA. That is right on RP shards Alliance outnumbers the Horde in warmode. Per definition Horde is the OUTNUMBERED FACTION not the Alliance. To make this clear I’am talking about RP realms like Argent Dawn or Defias Brotherhood not normal realms.
But what did Blizzard do ? They just gave the Alliance on RP realms the same 30% buff that they got on normal realms. Whilst they already outnumbered the Horde in RP warmode, they are now also getting a bigger buff to do it. This only leads to a further imbalance as most Horde players on RP realms don’t want to play with warmode anymore and more and more Alliance players are turning it on.
This leads to some very strange world pvp where as a Horde player you can get ganked by Alliance players in your own city if you turn warmode on.
It would be logical that as warmode is seperated between RP and normal realms that the call to arms buff also gets seperated between RP and normal realms. Horde is the outnumbered faction on RP shards so in fact it is Horde that deserves to get the call to arms buff and not the Alliance.
If this doesn’t get fixed than warmode will be completley death on RP realms and Alliance will have an unfair 30% buff for xp, gold, azerite and resources they don’t deserve on top of it.
Please fix this and make the call to arms buff on RP realms seperate from normal realms. Else you are completley missing the point of the buff as you are not balancing warmode on RP realms, you are further imbalancing it.