Call to Arms: Join the Guild Excuses [Eu - Silvermoon]

On the ancient bridge overlooking Azj-Kahet, a lone adventurer named [Your Name Here] stood deep in thought. Below, the sight of Nerubians gathering into defensive formations filled the air with tension and anticipation. Lost in memories of past exploits, [Insert Your Name Here] barely noticed the approach of a hooded elf.

“Are you ready?” the elf asked quietly, breaking the silence.

[Your Name Here] didn’t respond immediately. Their mind was a whirlwind of reflections, tracing the journey that had brought them to this pivotal moment. It all started when they first heard whispers of a new guild seeking members—The Guild Excuses.

Determined to find a place to belong, [Your Name Here] joined the guild. From that moment on, every step of their journey was shared with newfound comrades. Together, they levelled up, delved into mysterious depths, braved treacherous dungeons, and vanquished formidable foes. Each victory brought them closer, each piece of new gear strengthened their resolve, and each challenge prepared them for the ultimate confrontation at the Nerub’ar Palace.

“Are you ready?” the elf repeated, snapping [Your Name Here] back to the present.

“Yes,” [Your Name Here] replied firmly, turning to face their companion.

As the words left their lips, guildmates emerged from the shadows, joining them on the bridge. The air buzzed with a sense of unity and shared purpose. They were no longer just a collection of adventurers; they were a raid team.

And so, with hearts full of determination and the strength of their guild behind them, they prepared to face the challenges ahead.

If you seek a place where your journey matters, where each member is valued, and where every raid and dungeon run is an adventure shared with friends, then join us! The Guild of Excuses is calling all heroes to gear up for the next chapter in Azeroth.

Contact Details:

  • Guild Name: Excuses [EU]
  • Recruiter: Norvo#2341 or Discord norvo.
  • Focus: Ahead of the Curve in each raid tier, Mythic+ dungeon runs
  • Raiding Nights: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7:00pm to 11:00pm UK time

Join us, and become a part of our legendary tales.