Well I dont know how to start this without being cynical… But lets try.
I try to put myself into developer’s shoes while writing these forum posts but sometimes its really hard to understand what they are thinking. Lets check the statistics… When we compare horde and alliance players with warmode we have a huge difference. Its so huge had to add extra bonus to alliance warmode. Even give alliance a bonus quest with item and AP to lure them into “warmode fun”. Did it work? I dont know. I am not an actual developer so I dont have the numbers. But even after all these months alliance warmode bonus is usually 20%. Talking about pre 8.2. There was couple weeks warmode was at 15%. But it was never at 10%…
Insert Mechagon. Really great content. Lots of things to do. Mounts, pets, rares. Alot of collectibles. Good art design. Everything is great. Except this Call to Arms: Mechagon quest. I enjoy doing world pvp here and there but with this call to arms quest every other week Mechagon is really painful as an alliance player… Usually takes around 30min - 1hour to do quests and hunt some rares for fun. But if its call to arms: mechagon week it takes 2-3hour cause I cant even move… I try to find alliance heavy shards and usually its possible to find them but when I get ganked for 20min straight and look for shards for 10min its already not a fun time for me. Also if I find an alliance heavy shard that means horde is getting ganked all over the island now. This is an issue about warmode. Sure. But warmode will be fixed or changed with next expansion. I hope… But while we wait for that can you please freaking consider removing Call to arms Mechagon quest? Cause its not fun for alliance its not fun for horde. Its not fun period.
Oh while you are at the job please remove Call to Arms: Nazjatar aswell cause its not doable at raid. And guess what we do with battle for nazjatar? You developers are so out of touch with your player base and probably never played the game last 5years you have no idea whats going on. On paper battle for nazjatar might look neat. You know like auchindoun towers. Alot of ppl enjoyed doing them right? Right? Whatever… On paper battle for nazjatar looks nice. But your player base is not retarded. We are just forming groups when event started and 2-3 alliance or horde raid in zone… Just takes every tower and goes to other faction’s main base. Alot of players are not aware of it according to things I see at general chat. But yeah… We do this. Is this fun? Its not fun while winning. Just hover at air at the center of map, find a winning shard and go to tower then other faction’s base. Its not fun to lose cause if you end up in a losing shard and you dont know how to find a winning shard or too late for that it means you gonna get ganked at your base 10min straight…
So yeah. I ended up really cynical at the end… I am pretty sure this post will end up in endless abyss of deleted posts or never reach to actual developer as a feedback. But atleast I am not as frustrated as before. If someone is still reading. TLDR: Remove Call to Arms: Mechagon and Nazjatar quests. They are making the experience worse than as it is already. Remove warmode AP/XP bonus completely if you ask me. But I dont wanna start writing about warmode cause it’ll end up as an 10 page mockumentary of Ion…